expressions and idioms

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na zawołanie
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at will
She believes employers should have the right to hire and fire at will.
poinstruować kogoś
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show somebody the ropes
bezzwłocznie szybko
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in short order
Thanks for your patience. A representative will be with you in short order.
dawno temu
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way back
prosto przez coś
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right through something
być w tarapatach
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be on the ropes
żywić urazę do kogoś
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hold a grudge against somebody
do wzięcia
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for the taking
wyjawić sekret
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spill the beans
nie wiedzieć o czymś
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be in the dark about something
jak tak dalej pójdzie
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at this rate
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several dozen
ostatnia deska ratunku
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the last resort
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pick up the pace
odbijać się na zdrowiu
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take a toll on somebody
dopiąć swego
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come out on top
odnieść zwycięstwo
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emerge victorious
odpowiadać komuś
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sit well with somebody
bardzo czegoś chcieć
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be itching to do something
mieć moc, robić wrażenie
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pack a punch
dość powiedzieć
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suffice it to say
odetchnąć z ulgą
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breathe a sigh of relief
they breathed a great sigh of relief after the election was won"
nie być w stanie czegoś pojąć
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can't get your head around something
pójść na łatwiznę
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cut corners
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to begin with
być obrażonym
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be in a sulk
If she doesn't get what she wants she goes into a sulk just like a child.

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