essay wstep i zalety

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w dzisiejszych czasach
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these days
obecnie problemem
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nowadays the problem
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zjawiskiem wydaje sie byc
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phenomenon of seems to be
w ostatnich latach
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In recent years
toczyla sie dyskusja na temat
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there has been a discussion about
maja wiele pozytywnycy aspektow
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have plenty of positive aspects
mozna powiedziec, ze ten pomysl ma zarowno zalety jak i wady
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this idea can be said to have both advantages and disadavntages
bez watpienia
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without a doubt
bez watpienia, istnieja spore argumenty przemawiajace za
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without a doubt, there are substantial arguments in favour of
jest wiele wyraznych plusow do
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there are numerous clear considerable pluses to
na poczatek
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to begin with
co najwazniejsze
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most importantly
co wiecej
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co wiecej zwolennicy sugerowali ze
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moreover, proponents have suggested that
kolejna korzyscia jest to ze
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another benefit is that

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