English Collocations in Use

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Zrzucic odpowiedzialnosc
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1. idiom: pass the buck = 2. to pass the responsability for a problem to another person to avoid dealing with it oneself. = 3. disclaim responsibility
poverty causes crime =
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poverty breeds crime
bitterly - kontekst 5
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bitterly cold, bitterly opposed, bitterly regreted, to complain bitterly, to miss bitterly > bitterness
to lace
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1 She laces her fingers behind her head 2 She laced her tea with brandy 3 A sauce laced with garlic 4 He laced guard's coffee with a sedative 5 His boss laced into him for being late
przydawać, nadawać (np. smaku)
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to impart. Example Basil imparts a delicious flavour to the sauce / to lace
przeciągać sznurówki przez oczka butow
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pull/draw the laces through the eyelets
odrobina, kropla np. octu w salatce/ale też uczucia
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a dash
przelać czarę goryczy. Jego komentarz byk ostatnia kropla goryczy
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pour a dash of bitterness His comment was the last dash of bitterness that I could stand.
1. Ostry smak, 2. Ostry zapach, 3. Zjadliwość, zajadlosc
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1. Pungent taste/smell/speech/comments= pungency
ostry smak, gryzacy zapach, zgryzliwosc, zjadliwosc
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zgryzliwa satyra
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biting/ pungent satire
zlosliwy komentarz
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barbed comment
drut kolczasty
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barbed wire
werwa +
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zest (new zest for life), pikanteria, smaczek, sma
szeleszczacy (drzewa, Papier, material)
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starty imbir
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grated ginger
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scandalous, outrageous. Scandalous is generally more formal than outrageous, and is often used in news or media contexts to describe behavior or events that are likely to cause controversy or public outrage.
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przeswietlac kogos. Sprawdziliśmy go, ale nie znaleźliśmy nic podejrzanego w jego przeszłości
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to vet. We vetted him, but found nothing suspicious in his past.
Oni poddali mój artykuł cenzurze, wycinając prawie połowę tekstu.
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to censor, to vet They vetted my article, cutting out nearly half of it.
nadawac na tych samych falach
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be on the same wavelength
zależeć od
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to hinge on
przynieś kolejna falę...
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bring a new wave of...
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obszerny (ubrania, słownik - tom 1,2- wielotomowy, pojemnik, wiersz)
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voluminous (clothes, dictionary - vol. 1,2- wielotomowy, container, poem)
wierzyc w cos zachowujac dystans/ nie wierzyc slepo
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take it with a pinch of salt
zalać, zasypac (tez w przenosni, np. pytaniami)
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