no issue
While long-term credit banks are authorized by law to issue bonds to raise fund, they are not allowed to take deposits the way ordinary banks are.
Frankie blamed his own blackness for his school problems. His real issue was that so did his teachers.
Dr. Svensen researched the issue so extensively that his bibliography makes up half the weight of his book.
I shall be introducing the street paper that is only sold by the homeless, "The Big Issue", started in England and has had its first Japanese issue.
You can see both sides of almost any issue -- and while it might exasperate your friends and lead to a few Hamlet moments, you're perfectly happy with your broad perspective
Kids these days think that any issue in life can be resolved as easily as restarting a computer game.
At present the text book issue between the Korean and Japanese governments is developing into a significant problem affecting both countries.
Parliamentary activity has become a political tug of war between the ruling and opposition parties over the issue.
They're used for surveillance at home and abroad, raising privacy issues everywhere.
Why does the government constantly have to issue new bank notes on a regular basis? The government constantly have to issue new bank-notes becausethe old one get dirty and torn.
Issue is defined as to deliver or distribute. An example of issue is to provide someone with a new driver's license.
to issue passports/visas; they issued a special set of stamps
Inglese parola "проблема"(issue) si verifica in set:
1000 most important Russian nouns 101 - 150Существительные в Английском 26-50вторые 50 словTOP Words. Part 22.
No problem!
If you don't want to put on sunscreen, that's your problem. Just don't come complaining to me when you get a sunburn.
Not a day goes by without our hearing of an environmental problem.
Why don't you look into the problem yourself? It's your responsibility.
The problem with many things is the pre-conceived ideas we have about them!
What does Tom really think of the way we've been handling this problem?
It's unlikely that replacing the battery will fix the problem.
Before the arrival of the Europeans, yellow fever hadn't been a problem.
Not having dealt with such a problem, they don't know what to do.
I appreciate your problem, but it can't be helped.
Noise is the most serious problem for those who live around the airports.
If only you had helped me yesterday, the problem would have been avoided.
I think the only problem I have now is being shut in at home.
Because of the problem of air pollution, the bicycle may some day replace the automobile.
His loss of memory is a psychological problem rather than a physical one.
Inglese parola "проблема"(problem) si verifica in set:
1000 most important Russian nouns 1 - 50You already know that:) – Это уже знаешь:)You already know that:) - Ты уже это знаешь:)Существительные в Английском 1-25первые 50 слов3. challenge
your biggest challenge
In order to continue to challenge new things, in order to meet new needs, we work day in day out in R&D.
One of the important differences between Japanese and Americans is that Japanese tend to choose a safe course in life, while Americans choose to explore and challenge life.
Thirdly, if you don't put in the effort and challenge difficult things, there is nothing in the world at which you will succeed.
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
Building the first skyscrapers was an amazing challenge, but nowadays modern machines make it a bit easier.
To provide medical care for every citizen is a big challenge, even for developed countries.
This discovery challenges traditional beliefs.
If we responded to every fledgling challenger... who wants to make a name for themselves, it wouldn’ t be fair to us
I was bored with my job and felt I needed a new challenge.
The construction of Warsaw's second metro line was a big financial and technological challenge.
How about I challenge you to a question you might not know the answer to?
When I accepted this job, I was looking for a new challenge and ways to channel my creative ability.
the challenge for the twenty-first century is transport in space
I thought it would be boorish to challenge his identity without warning.