Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

w sposób in inglese:

1. in the manner

You can exercise your power in the manner you desire.
You can exercise your power it in the manner you desire.

Inglese parola "w sposób"(in the manner) si verifica in set:

unit 4 całość

2. in a manner

3. in a way

I know your thinking is not correct, but in a way, I can understand such reasoning.
You are right in a way, but what you are suggesting is simply not plausible at the moment.
I like the new styles, in a way.
in a way, you're right
We have had great holiday but in a way I'm glad to be going home. I've missed the cat!
That's true in a way, I suppose, but let’s give it a second thought.

Inglese parola "w sposób"(in a way) si verifica in set:

fiszki 2 u agi siren office

4. in ways

5. In the way

There are some trolleys in the way.
Procrastination stands in the way to success.

Inglese parola "w sposób"(In the way) si verifica in set:

Practice and Progress

6. in a manner of

7. in the manner of

Inglese parola "w sposób"(in the manner of) si verifica in set:

Wset 3 chapter 1 (7-9)

8. by on means