Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

troszczyć się in inglese:

1. look after look after

We need to find someone to look after the kids when we're out tomorrow evening.
If you have a pet you have to look after it.
I look after children.
Nurses look after patients in hospital.
I’ve got one or two things I’d like you to look after
We look after Rodney's kids after school.
When Mary is away, I look after her cats.
to take care of someone by helping them, giving them what they need, or keeping them safe. Don't worry, I'll look after the kids tomorrow.
take care of sb/sth/I look after her dog.
Who is going to look after our guests tonight?
We look after you from the day you arrive.
Grandparents look after their grandchildren when their parents are at Toastmasters.
to look after a child and teach them until they are old enough to look after themselves
A babysitter's job is to look after a child when the parents have to go to work.
Bank is a place where people look after your money.

Inglese parola "troszczyć się"(look after) si verifica in set:

solutions gold pre-intermediate unity 4 word
Solutions Gold pre-intermediate unit 4
unit 4 oxford solutions
Phrasal verbs part one
angielski zwykły

2. care care

Take care.
I have a great fear of being disdained by those I love and care about.
You need to stop pretending that you don't care.
If you are here, it means you care.
He's a widower with three small children to take care of.
They were taking care of a girl from India and a boy from Italy.
All things considered, I think you should go back home and take care of your parents.
I wish I could care more about my grades but it seems that, at a certain point of my life, I decided they wouldn't be so important anymore.
He does not care for any sport involving team work or quick responses to other players.
With a little more care, he wouldn't have failed.
Citizens are debating about health care at City Hall.
I left my baby in her care and went shopping.
You need have a good microphone because we care about sound quality.
I love the fact that you always seem to care so much.
While we were on holiday, a neighbor took care of our cat.

Inglese parola "troszczyć się"(care) si verifica in set:

egzamin unit 5 wszib
korepetycje 6
angielski clv

3. care about

we should care about the environment
1. I don't care about the money. / 2. I care about you and my son.

Inglese parola "troszczyć się"(care about) si verifica in set:

spy ang. 27-01
Czasowniki frazy
gateway 3 unit1
przyimki A-C

4. care for

We're trained to care for human beings.
I do care for you
Could I have water, please? I don't care for coffee, tea or juice.
Would you care for some tea?
Angie stopped working to care for her mother.
They care for the environment.

Inglese parola "troszczyć się"(care for) si verifica in set:

lekcja 2 unit 1.5, 1.6
kartkówka z prywatnego
Phrasal Verbs e-ANG

5. concern

Excessive concern with safety can be dangerous.
statement concerning
Your concern for Her Eminence is appreciated and acknowledged. Your questions primarily concern genuine legislative committees.
The 'deep concern' of the Romanian parliament is completely unfounded and unjustified.
The impact of Emmet's theory on physics has been widely discussed, but this is not my concern in this paper.
Well then, it becomes a matter of urgent concern to the lurkers of this mailing list whether the guilty party confesses or not.
No, please don't concern yourself. I have learnt to do as the Romans when in Rome.
The loss of childhood spontaneity has caused widespread concern, as well as calls for review of the nation's educational and social structures.
We insist that during the next three days you make decisions which are fair to all generations and which show an active concern for the environment.
Where our children's education is concerned, no compromise is acceptable.
concerning decent conduct
There were lots of people on Facebook and others going out to look for him, so people were very concerned for him.
I think that his visits are the only real chance I get to talk about things that are worrying me - my health, my concerns about my grandson and his future, how to keep going
The safety of the ship is the captain's concern. The budget overspend is a matter of concern. The decision will concern mainly small businesses.
The recent rise in crime is a matter of considerable public concern.

Inglese parola "troszczyć się"(concern) si verifica in set:

state verbs tylko dla present simple
Stative verbs

6. take care of

We need to learn everything we can about it and do everything we can to take care of it.
The best way to take care of your health is to visit a doctor always when is an alarming symptom.
Husbands should stay at home and take care of the baby. Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself.
How can you take care of your body?
I have to take care of my little sister this afternoon.

Inglese parola "troszczyć się"(take care of) si verifica in set:

życie rodzinne i towarzyskie repetytorium longman ...
module 4 cwiczenia
angielski korki

7. looked up

Inglese parola "troszczyć się"(looked up) si verifica in set:

czasowniki złożone