Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

powracanie in inglese:

1. reverting

Inglese parola "powracanie"(reverting) si verifica in set:

Fiszki z książki - "A Short History of a Long Trav...
Fiszki z książki - "The Vision of Purgatory, Part ...

2. recovery

He made a speedy recovery.
Though the doctor did his best, the patient's recovery was slow.
Recovery was almost impossible.
I succeeded in the recovery of the stolen wallet.
If this organization is left as it is, it will soon go bankrupt; its recovery is as difficult as swapping horses while crossing a stream.
I believe it would be unproductive with regard to the present recovery.
Recovery of the world economy is not yet in sight.
Finance Ministry officials tried to boost confidence in recovery.
Business recovery, which looks just around the corner, will be rapid and strong.
Slow economic recovery has sent auto sales plummeting.
The recovery of Japan's economy, which has been in a recession for some time, is finally under way.
Improving corporate performances are behind the stock market recovery.
business recovery economic recovery
die Genesung, die Wiedererlangung The patient made a remarkable recovery after his illness the recovery of stolen property.
The recovery time after a serious operation is usually long.

3. relapsing