Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

nie życzliwy in inglese:

1. unkind unkind

Don't be unkind to your friends.
You told her that she looks funny in that hat. I was very unkind.
Some people were kind and others were unkind.
She was unkind to him.
Though he is rich, he is unkind.
I think him unkind.
... and negative(though never unkind!)
Why did you take the child’s toy away? It was unkind of you.
Why must he always be so unkind to his mother-in-law?
He won't help you, he's unkind.
She says some very unkind things sometimes.
She isn't friendly or good to other people. She is unkind.
The man was rude and made an unkind remark about the girl’s hair.
It's unkind to say that somebody else is n't good at sport
Her unkind words boomeranged.

Inglese parola "nie życzliwy"(unkind) si verifica in set:

cechy, uczucia, emocje
cechy charakteru

2. un kind un kind

Inglese parola "nie życzliwy"(un kind) si verifica in set:

uczucia cechy itp. (ang)💗
cechy charakteru