Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

na skróty in inglese:

1. short cut short cut

If you take the short cut you will get early.
Students used the site as a short cut, they said.

Inglese parola "na skróty"(short cut) si verifica in set:

Opis miejsca na mapie - angielski
5.3 Million-dollar risk
Kartkówka słownictwo angielski
Inm 1 - rozdział 5
Matters 08.01.23 cz II

2. cut corners

Caryl always finds an excuse to cut corners. I hate lazy people like her!
If we don’t cut corners, we will go bankrupt.
I won't cut corners just to save money. I put quality first.
You can't cut corners all your life.

Inglese parola "na skróty"(cut corners) si verifica in set:

B - Worl List 4/2 general vocabulary
Popular business idioms
1 test, 8.11.18 r.
School dinner V