Popular business idioms

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Ahead of the pack
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To be more successful than the competition
Back to square one
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To start something over again because a previous attempt failed
Big picture
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Working on all these details, we have lost sight of the big picture.
By the book
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To do things exactly according to the rules or the law
Corner the market
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To dominate a particular market
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Competition in the food retailing business is cut-throat.
Easy come, easy go
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I lost 500 Euros in a poker game last night, but that’s life – easy come, easy go.
Get down to business
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Now that everyone’s here, let’s get down to business and start with the presentation.
In a nutshell
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In a nutshell, we will run out of cash in three months time.
Long shot
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Something that has a very low probability of happening
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Something that is really obvious or easy
On the same page
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To be in agreement about something
Put the cart before the horse
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Trying to find an investor without having a business plan is like putting the cart before the horse.
Rock the boat
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To do or say something that will upset people or cause problems
Safe bet
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It’s a safe bet that computer processor speed will more than triple within the next 10 years.
Same boat
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None of us has any money left, so we’re all in the same boat.
Sever ties
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We had to sever ties with several suppliers due to poor product quality.
Shoot something down
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You shouldn’t shoot down your co-workers ideas during a brainstorming session.
Talk someone into something
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To convince someone to do something
Talk someone out of something
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To convince someone not to do something
Think outside the box
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Our current approach will get us nowhere. We have to think outside the box.
Time’s up
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I think his time’s up as the CEO.
I will show you the ropes
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pokazac jak cos dziala
short - handed
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za malo ludzi do pracy
bring somethingbto the table
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wniesc cos do firmy
steep learning curve
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stroma krzywa uczenia się
get something off the ground
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ruszyc z czyms z miejsca
cut corners
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na skróty
on a shoestring
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bardzo maly budzet
touch base later
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zdzwonic sie
behing the scenes
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robic cos bez publicznego rozglosu
run around the circles
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robic cos bezsensownego/ bez efektu
don’t beet about the bush
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nie owijaj w bawelne
bull’s eyes
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strzał w dziesiątke
go down the drain
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pójsc na marne
grey area
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szara strefa
call it a day!
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zakończyć pracę!

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