Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

chuligan in inglese:

1. hooligan

football hooligan
You sure are a hooligan!

Inglese parola "chuligan"(hooligan) si verifica in set:

Crime and The law - M. Vince First Certificate
Upstream Advanced C1 Unit 4 part I KC do 74-76
rozdział 3 more words in File 3
słownictwo unit 5 matura masters
Język Angielski Unit 4 Get active

2. hoodlum

Inglese parola "chuligan"(hoodlum) si verifica in set:

Harry Potter part 1.2
Beastars (anime)
Rzadz i dziel 11
DDL - 3 seria

3. lout

Bit of a lout.
Let the lout feel what it’s like

Inglese parola "chuligan"(lout) si verifica in set:

Fiszki z książki - "Reincarnations" (James Stephens)

4. yob

The yob spat on the ground a tram stop. Foo!

Inglese parola "chuligan"(yob) si verifica in set:

Crime scene Unit9
Unit 9 słówka
unit 6-10KURWA