Dizionario Inglese - Inglese

English - English

to pick up in inglese:

1. lift lift

We can lift the restrictions on imports once the joint agreement is signed.
a lift
At a Japanese-style inn, they take care of your every need, so you don't have to lift a finger.
They will hammer their swords into ploughshares and their spears into sickles. Nation will not lift sword against nation, no longer will they learn how to make war.
Every other day I go with a friend; we lift weights whilst chatting together.
As for physical exercise, although I loathe most sports (I think they're really boring), I do like going to the gym to lift weights.
An experienced healer can lift curses and dispel evil eyes.
Powerlifting is a sport in which athletes compete to lift the maximum sum weight of the three heavy weight events, squat, bench press and deadlift.
lift me my stuff
‘There isn’t a lift in this hotel.’ ‘But my room is on the tenth floor!’
The doctor advised her to do knee bends and leg lifts everyday. He responded with a lift of his eyebrow.
It even had a small lift for Queen Victoria
Luckily, she gave me a lift to the station Can you give me a lift home? He offered us a lift to the station I got a lift as far as the end of the road
The 'Iranian Hercules' lifted a total of 472,5 kg at the 2004 Olympics.
He got into a lift and he didn't get out again until Monday morning.

Inglese parola "to pick up"(lift) si verifica in set:

Smart Time 3 - Vocab from lesson 2b

2. to take with a vehicle to take with a vehicle

Inglese parola "to pick up"(to take with a vehicle) si verifica in set:

Top 100 phrasal verbs 51 - 75

3. collect something that has been left elsewhere collect something that has been left elsewhere

4. to pick up to pick up

to pick up a friend at the airport
to pick up a dirty towel from the floor

Inglese parola "to pick up"(to pick up) si verifica in set:

lesson_eng_fridge flashcards

5. to improve to improve

people are trying to improve their diets
I'd like to improve my English.
I'm going to improve my score, time me.
Try to improve your speaking skills.
I want to improve my English.
I have to improve my German.
I want to improve my drawing skills.
Doing mental exercise is a very good method to improve your memory.
to improve the offer
They've been trying to improve the children's diet.
They have to improve the image of the company.