Derrotero - Pilot Book

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contra la corriente
Estábamos remando contra la corriente.
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against the current
We were rowing against the current.
El crucero italiano Costa Concordia encalló y volcó después de chocar con una roca submarina.
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The Italian cruise ship Costa Concordia ran aground and overturned after striking an underwater rock.
Toma un rumbo a ese faro.
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Take a bearing to that lighthouse.
luz de destellos
Eran sobre las dos de la mañana cuando vio una luz alternativa por la amura de babor.
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flashing light
It was about 2 a. m when he spotted a flashing light on the port bow.
luz fija
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fixed light
línea de tráfico
Si es posible, únete o sal de una vía de circulación al final de la vía.
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traffic lane
If possible, join or leave a traffic lane at the termination of the lane.
placa continental
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continental shelf
+112 schede
La lezione è parte del corso
"Inglés marítimo"
(Un totale di 1.146 schede)

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