Japanese in 1 day
English日本語, にほんご

Japanese in 1 day
Learn Japanese with these flashcards in no time!

Do you want to learn how to imitate Japanese animation characters?
Do you think that Japanese culture is cool?
If you do, it’s time to learn Japanese!
Let’s learn Japanese from the very basic, effectively!
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Questo corso è gratuito al 100%. Vogliamo mostrarti quanto sia efficace e piacevole imparare con noi :)
About Japanese language - introductionAbout Japanese language - introduction  
7 schede
Japanese alphabets (Katakana) - pronunciationJapanese alphabets (Katakana) - pronunciation  
71 schede
Japanese alphabets (Hiragana)Japanese alphabets (Hiragana)  
71 schede
10 words in 60 seconds - 60秒で学ぶ必須10単語10 words in 60 seconds - 60秒で学ぶ必須10単語  
10 schede
You already know that:)You already know that:)  
10 schede
10 schede
Courtesy PhrasesCourtesy Phrases  
17 schede
29 schede
