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Domanda Risposta
spotkać, znaleźć przypadkiem, natknąć się
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come across
come across this ring in an antique shop
zdobyć coś (trudnego do zdobycia)
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come by
everybody wonders how he came by so much money
przekazywać coś w spadku
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come down to
this house come down to me after my inheritance (dziedzictwo)?
zejść z = zejść z (zachorować)
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come down with = go down with(become ill)
I'm sure I'm coming down with the flu
dziedziczyć w spadku
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come into
he come into a large sum of money after his grandfather died
udać się/ powieść się/ zejść (plama) /odpaść (guzik)
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come off
despite (pomimo) all his planning the deal didn't come off
rozkwitać (kwiaty) (nie na drzewie)
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come out
roses come out in the summer
ukazywać się/wychodzić (w druku)
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come out
when does her new book come out?
schodzić (plama)
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come out
this wine stain will come out if you let it soak in warm water
wpaść z wizytą (nieoczekiwaną) (nie mowi sie do kogo w sensie osoby)
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come round
come round anytime for coffee
odzyskać przytomność
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come round
to the doctors' surprise the patient come round quickly
wnosić (kwota)/ odzyskać przytomność
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come to
the bill come to 50zl
zostać wspomnianym (w dyskusji)/ napomknąć
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come up
your name came up in the conversation
pojawić się (okazja możliwość)
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come up to
such an opportunity comes up once in a lifetime
podejść do kogoś
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come up to
a strange man come up to me and asked me for money
spełniać (oczekiwania)
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come up to
he failed to come up to his parents' expectations
znaleźć (rozwiązanie)/ wymyślić coś/ wpaść na coś
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come up with
she came up with a brown plan to save the company
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dobre samopoczucie
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well being
dziczyzna (mięso)
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ubezpieczenie zdrowotne
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health insurance

Vedi schede correlate:

call + carry

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