call + carry

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złe zachowanie
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źle sie zachowywac
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każdy człowiek jest?
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every man is?
wszyscy mężczyźni
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all men are?
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call for
the situation cal for immediate action
wpasc do kogos
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Call in
she called in last Monday to see our new house
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call of
the match was called off due to bad weather
odwiedzic kogos
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call on sb
our representative will call on your company next Tuesday
wezwac kogos (na pomoc, do strajku)
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call out
all firefighters were called out to save the burning building
powolac do wojska
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call up
thousands of young men were called up during World War I
dac sie poniesc emocjom
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be carried away
they were all caried away by his performance
poradzic sobie z czyms
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carry off
she carried her speech of well
kontynuować, robic cos dalej
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carry on (with)
carry on with your work while I'm out
przeprowadzac eksperyment, wykonać
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carry out
they carried out some tests to see the effect of the new drug
zrealizować coś
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carry through
I don't think anyone but Matt can carry this project through
wioska (miejscowosc)
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