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proper nouns
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specific entities (Paris, Shakespeare)
common nouns
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genral items (city, author)
concrete nouns
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things that can be perceived by the senses (apple, music)
abstract nouns
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intangible concepts or ideas (love, freedom)
countable nouns
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can be couned as individual items (books, cars)
uncountable nouns
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cannot be counted individually (water, knowledge)
collective nouns
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names groups (team, flock)
personal pronouns
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specific people or things (he, they)
possesive pronouns
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show ownership (mine, yours)
relative pronouns
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Introduce relative clauses (who, which)
reflexive pronouns
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reflect back to the subject (myself, herself)
domonstrative pronouns
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point to specific things (those, this)
Interrogative pronouns
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used in questions (who, what)
Indefinite pronouns
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refer to non specific items or people (someone, anybody)
action verbs
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specific actions (run, talk)
linking verbs
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connect the subject to information about it (seem, is)
modal verbs
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express necessity, possibility, or ability (can, must)
phrasal verbs
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multi-word verbs (give up, run out)
descriptive adjectives
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describe qualities (pink, sad)
quantitative adjectives
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describe quantity (some, few)
demonstrative adjectives
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point out nouns (this, those)
possesive adjectives
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show ownership (my, our)
comparative adjectives
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compare two things (bigger, better)
superlative adjectives
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compare more than two things (biggest, best)
adverbs of manner
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describe how something happens (-ly)
adverbs of frequency
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describes how often something happens (always, sometimes)
adverbs of place
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describe where (here, everywhere)
adverbs of time
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describes when (now, tommorow)
adverbs of degree
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modify adjectives of other adverbs (very, almost)
time prepositions
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on, it, at
place prepositions
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above, under
direction prepositions
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into, out of
agency prepositions
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by, with

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