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When I was doing some research on internet in order to create my speech i found some interesting videos on YouTube. One of them was the film „First Lady Michelle Obama Speaks on The Power of Education”
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I watched whole 17 minutes video once and twice and It was so inspiring and encouraging, that I decide to share with you the message that First Lady Michelle Obama convey to her listeners.
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In a nutshell she was talking about inmportance of our involvment in OUR education, she was saying that no one but YOU can decide who you wanna be, how educated you wanna be, and do you wanna have better and safer future. I quote:
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„at the end of the day no matter what the president does, no matter what your teachers and princaples do, whatever is going on in your home or in your neighbourhood. The person with the biggest impact on your education is You”
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But she's pointing out that this comes along with hard work and determination.
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When she was studying in one of the best high schools in Chicago, some of her teachers were saying her that she's never gonna make it to reach her goal wchich was getting into the school like Princton
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Her parents didn't have a lot of money, so she was fighting twice harder to reach her target. She said
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when people told me I wasn’t going to cut it, I didn't let that stop me -- in fact, I did the opposite. I used that negativity to fuel me, to keep me going. And at the end, I got into Princeton, and that was one of the proudest days of my life
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She has her ups and downs like everybody, but she didnt let them ruin everything that she was fighting for.
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I am not able to quote everything that this amazing woman said, but I recommend all of you to watch this video and be more aware about what are you doing now.
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We have to remember that education is more than writing, reading and maths. It's an opportunity for us to make our lives better, to make us better and more self aware people.
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Yes, sometimes it forces us to do things that we do not really enjoy, but sooner or later it will come to us with benefits.

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