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Today we are going to see again some useful expressions
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Aujourd'hui, nous_allons revoir queiques expressions utiles
Come around (towards) 8.00, O.K.?
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Venez vers huit heures, d'accord?
She is ill
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Elle est malade
she [is] taking a lot of medicines.
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elle prend beaucoup de médicaments.
I'm looking for a big leather bag.
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Je cherche un grand sac en cuir.
[Do] you have (one)?
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Vous en avez un?
Who is on the phone
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Qui est à l'appareil
My wife has a lot of work this moment
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Ma femme a beaucoup de travail en ce moment.
Don't make me (to) laugh
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Ne me faites pas rire!
I 'm taken [on] Saturday evening.
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je suis pris samedi soir.
Oh well, hard luck!
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Eh bien tant pis!
That new dress suits you very well.
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Cette nouvelle robe vous va très bien.

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