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I am looking for a rat trap.
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Je cherche un piege a rats
[Do] you have one?
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Vous en avez?
I'm going to look for one (for you).
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je vais vous en chercher un.
I have a plane to catch (take).
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J'ai un avion a prendre.
I don't have a model big enough!
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je n'ai pas un modele assez grand
A customs officer stops a traveller
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Un douanier arrete un voyageur
at the exit of the customs [hall]:
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a la sortie de la douane
Open your bag
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Ouvrez votre sac
The traveller opens his bag
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Le voyageur ouvre son sac
which is full of diamonds.
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qui est plein de diamants.
These diamonds are for my rabbits
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Ces diamants sont pour mes lapins
exclaims the customs officer.
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s'exclame le douanier.
Exactly (perfectly)
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if they don't want diamonds
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Et s'ils ne veulent pas de diamants
they will have nothing to eat
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ils n'auront riei a manger!

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