Angielski 31 10

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hasło w słowniku
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dictionary entry
wielka litera
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capital letter
mała litera
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pomyłka, błąd
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mistake, slip, gaffe, blunder, flub
niedobór, niedostatek
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deficiency, scarcity, dearth
dearth of vacancies. dearth of funds, The dearth of food led to the strikes.
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famine, hunger, starvation, dearth
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tłuszcz, sadło
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grease, blubber
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fudge, botch, screw up, bungle
masa krówkowa
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fudge mass
sknocić coś
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botch, butch, muck, bodge, bungle, slobber
rozpraszać, rozwiewać
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= scatter, disperse, dispel dissipate a crowd one's sympathy is eventually dissipated, The clouds dissipated and the sun came out.
rozwiązać (of the company)
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dissolve (of the company)
dissolution of the joint property of husband and wife
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follow, emulate, copy copycat, imitate, ape, spoof - parodiować
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slag, clinker
slag heap
brednie, bzdury
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bullshit nonsense, malarkey, fudge, crap, bunk fiddle, jazz, moonshine, gibberish, hogwash, guff, cobblers, ravings, lark, gear,
upiór, zjawa
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ghost, apparition, phantom, bogey, spook
objawienia fatimskie
uznane objawienia
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Fatima apparitions
recognized apparitions
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womb, uterus
orędzie papieża
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the message of the pope
roznosić się bardzo szybko
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go viral
pogwałcić prawa czlowieka
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violate the human rights
spotęgować, pogorszyć
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Synonyms aggravate, complicate, worsen Antonyms allay, alleviate, assuage, ease, help, mitigate, relieve The new law only exacerbates the problem.
ruchy oddolne
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grassroots movements
płód, płód
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płodowy, prenatalny
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fetal, prenatal
cieknący nos
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runny nose

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