Angielski 24/09/2018

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Domanda English Risposta English
acid test
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the true test of the value of something
to put one's best foot forward
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try as hard as one can
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careful and avoiding risks
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pulled or twisted out of shape; contorted
to inundate sb with sth
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to owerwhelm sb with sth
to skew
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to cause the information or results to be changed, to seem higher or lower than they really are
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przekrzywiony, wypaczony
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very small
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short and clear, expressing what needs to be said without unnecessary words:
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the distant past (= a long time ago), especially before the sixth century
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a quality of sound that makes voices or musical instruments sound different from each other
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[C2] to like or enjoy something
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happy and full of energy
to cast off
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to unfasten or untie a boat or a line
to hold sb to account
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to hold sb responsible

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