Adjectives 2

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Domanda American English Risposta American English
If you describe someone as ..., you mean that they are heterosexual.
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If someone does something in a ...-... way, they do it without any real effort, interest, or enthusiasm.
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half-hearted apology
An ... organization or system is new and has not developed very much.
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The infant company was based in Germany
Something that is ... has a lot of space to put things in.
e. g. room, house, handbag
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A ... person is one who has a relative or close friend who has recently died.
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Mr Dinkins visited the bereaved family to offer comfort.
If you are ..., you feel a need to drink something.
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thirsty/ dry
If something is ..., there is enough of it or it is good enough to be used or accepted.
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The old methods weren't adequate to meet current needs
blocked or filled with something
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The roads quickly became clogged with traffic./ clogged pipes
A ... disease or poison is extremely powerful and dangerous.
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A ... structure or piece of furniture is not very strong or well made, and seems likely to collapse or break.
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... land can produce a large number of good quality crops. fig. Someone who has a... imagination has an active mind and is able to produce a lot of new and original ideas.
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If you describe someone as..., you like the fact that they are willing to do things in order to please you or help you.
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If you are... about something, you are completely sure about it.
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I'm as positive as I can be about it.
permanent, rather than created or formed when necessary:
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There's a standing law on smoking in public areas.
Someone who is ... is difficult to please because they will only accept something if it is exactly what they want or if it is of very high quality.
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Skiers should be particularly choosy about the insurance policy they buy.
Someone who is... is difficult to please and only likes a small range of things.
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Everyone knows children are picky eaters.
Someone who is ... speaks in a rather rude, unfriendly way.
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Cross was a little taken aback by her abrupt manner.
If you describe someone as ..., you disapprove of them because they keep changing their mind about what they like or want and is unreliable
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You use ... to describe someone who usually or often does a particular thing.
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... the home secretary's plans for minimum sentences for habitual criminals
Someone who is ... is attractive in a way that suggests hidden passion
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... a dark-haired sultry woman.
If you describe someone as ..., you mean that they are tough, independent, and spirited, often when you would not expect them to be, for example because they are old or ill.
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The soldier looked incredulously at the feisty child.
If you describe someone's hair, clothes, or appearance as ..., you mean that it is very untidy.
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disheveled/ tousled
She arrived flushed and dishevelled.
If you describe someone as ..., you mean that they are tall and thin and move rather awkwardly.
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A ... person moves or handles things in a careless, awkward way, often so that things are knocked over or broken
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A... action or statement is not skilful or is likely to upset people
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The action seemed a clumsy attempt to topple the Janata Dal government.
Someone who is... is helpful and polite.
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Linda and her team are extremely attentive to the individual's needs.
A ... wound, injury or harm is one that you do to yourself deliberately
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If you say that someone is being ... about something, you mean that you think they are deliberately not giving you much information or expressing an opinion about it.
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He is cagey about what he was paid for the business.
If you want to emphasize your disapproval of someone's great ambition or pride, you can refer to their ... ambition or pride.
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'Your modesty is a cover for your overweening conceit,' she said
excessively arrogant or presumptuous
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not burdened, impeded, or hampered
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But there was always a suspicion that they were the acts of governments enjoying the pleasure of spending money but unencumbered by the responsibility of raising it.
If you describe something as ..., you mean that it is showy and looks cheap 🇺🇸
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chintzy 🇺🇸
Something that is ... expresses facts or ideas clearly and in few words.
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Something that is ... is difficult and tiring, and involves a lot of effort.
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The task was more arduous than he had calculated
If you describe an amount or quantity of something as ..., you are critical of it because it is very small or not enough.
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The rations that they gave us were meager and inadequate
... is used to describe something which is hidden and not obvious at the moment, but which may develop further in the future.
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Advertisements attempt to project a latent meaning behind an overt message.
... means showing or feeling great mental suffering or physical pain.
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The sight of Jon Matthews's anguished face was not something Jeffrey would soon forget.
A... relationship or incident involves very strong emotions connected with love and sex.
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She began a torrid love affair with a theatrical designer.
If you make a ... remark or comment about someone or something, you express your low opinion of them.
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He refused to withdraw derogatory remarks made about his boss.
If you are ... about something, you are very pleased about it. 🇬🇧
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chuffed 🇬🇧
attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief that discovery would lead to trouble; secretive.
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They spent a furtive day together
filled with sadness, grief, or sorrow; distressed
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He was sore about the lack of invitation to your party.
If you describe someone as ..., you mean that they are lively and full of enthusiasm or excitement about something.
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Someone who is ... is charming, polite, and elegant, but may be insincere.
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He is the suave, sophisticated owner of an advertising agency
If you say that someone is being ..., you mean that they are being unpleasant and unkind.
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catty/ catish
... catty remarks
in a way that uses personal power unfairly and without considering people's rights and wishes:
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Local officials enforce rules arbitrarily and unreasonably.
If you call someone a ... person, you mean that they spend too much money.
Also a noun
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Something that is ... is dangerous, especially to people's health or safety
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Passive smoking can be hazardous to health.
... shoes or clothes are practical and strong rather than fashionable and attractive.
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Wear loose clothing and sensible footwear.
People and things that are ... are dirty and untidy... clothes are old and torn.
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completely unwilling to change a decision, opinion, demand, etc.:
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Korea is unyielding in its demands for a new treaty.
You use ... to describe something you think is very good or exciting. 🇬🇧
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cracking 🇬🇧
You were cracking today at the match, way to go!
Someone or something that is... for something is very well known.
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famous for something
New Orleans is famous for its cuisine.
Something that is ... is relevant to a particular subject.
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She had asked some pertinent questions
fashionable but not likely to stay fashionable for a long time
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Faddish diets are unlikely to work in the long term
Someone who is... works hard in a careful and thorough way.
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Meyers is a diligent and prolific worker.
If the ground or a floor is..., it is covered in water, often because of heavy rain or as the result of an accident.
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The bathroom floor was awash.
If a place is... with something, it contains a large amount of it.
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This, after all, is a company which is awash with cash.
Someone who's ... is pretentious and snooty. If you speak to someone in a ... accent, they are going to assume that you're a snob.
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If something is ... on something else, the first thing depends on the second in order to happen or exist.
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contingent on something
In effect, growth is contingent on improved incomes for the mass of the low-income population
having wealth or importance
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If a hotel, restaurant, theatre, or transport service is ... +..., it has no rooms, tables, or tickets left for a time or date.
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If someone is... +..., they have made so many arrangements that they have no more time to do things.
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Mr Wilson's diary is booked up for months ahead
A... difference, image, or sound is very easy to see, hear, or distinguish.
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Her reticence was in sharp contrast to the glamour and star status of her predecessors
A... change, movement, or feeling occurs suddenly, and is great in amount, force, or degree.
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There's been a sharp rise in the rate of inflation.
If someone says something in a... way, they say it suddenly and rather firmly or angrily, for example because they are warning or criticizing you
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That ruling had drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups.
You can describe something as... if you think it is really nice. 🇺🇸
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I've had a swell time.
A... place has hot, wet air.
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The air was hot and steamy from the heat of a hundred bodies.
An ... supply or source of something has not yet been used.
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Mongolia, although poor, has considerable untapped resources of oil and minerals
An ... opinion or statement is one that expresses a feeling or opinion completely and without any doubts.
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Charles displays unreserved admiration for his grandfather.
If you say that someone is ..., you mean that they pay great attention to detail because they like everything to be very neat, accurate, and in good order.
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He was fastidious about his appearance
If you say that someone is ..., you mean that they are concerned about keeping clean to an extent that many people consider to be excessive.
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Ernestine kept her daughters fastidiously clean.
A ... piece of equipment has something wrong with it and is not working properly
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You use ... to describe someone's behavior when you want to emphasize that they do not care that they are behaving wrongly.
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bald-faced 🇺🇸 / bare-faced
... crooked politicians who tell bald-faced lies
If someone is ..., they are very worried or upset, and show this in their behaviour, movements, or voice.
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Susan seemed agitated about something
A ... sports player scores a lot of goals or wins a lot of matches or races.
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If you describe something as ..., you think it is smart and cleverly designed.
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Because this natty new game from the same people who brought us Angry Birds basically uses light and dark as its main mechanic.
A ... time, factor, or situation is extremely important.
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The incident happened at a critical point in the campaign
If you are ... of something, you notice it or realize that it is happening
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Conscious that he was becoming light-headed again, he went over to the window.
Someone or something that is ... is very strong or healthy.
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1. More women than men go to the doctor. Perhaps men are more robust or worry less? 2. We've always specialised in making very robust, simply designed machinery
If you describe someone, especially a man, as..., you think that they are tall, strong, and attractive. 🇺🇸
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... a very husky young man, built like a football player
If you are ..., you say exactly what you think without trying to be polite.
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She is blunt about her personal life.
to have a large amount of something, or to be full of something
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bristling with sth
The helicopter hovered above them bristling with machine guns
A ... activity is extremely difficult and tiring to do.
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This flight was more gruelling than I had expected.
If you are ... with someone, you are friendly with them. 🇬🇧
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When someone in authority is ..., they are not as strict or severe as expected.
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He believes the government is already lenient with drug traffickers.
When people or things are left ..., they are not being watched or looked after.
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She left her children unattended.
If you say that something is ... on another thing, you mean that it uses a lot of that thing or too much of that thing.
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1. Tanks are heavy on fuel and destructive to roads 2... salads heavy on carrots.
If your heart is ..., you are sad about something.
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Mr Maddison handed over his resignation letter with a heavy heart.
remaining in the atmosphere; clinging; penetrating
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heavy smell
If you describe something as ..., you are critical of it because there is no need or reason for it.
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He accused the police of using unwarranted brutality.
If you describe something or someone as ..., you mean that nothing can alter, destroy, or challenge them.
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1. Liverpool football club are still looking unassailable. 2. His legal position is unassailable.
If you say that someone has an ... belief or faith in something, you mean that they have complete faith in it and no doubts at all.
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He had implicit faith in the noble intentions of the Emperor
If you describe something as ..., you think that it is dull and boring to look at or experience.
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... his drab little office.
A ... is someone who behaves violently and is involved in crime.
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... gangs of ruffians who lurk about intent on troublemaking.
... clothes, curtains, or furnishings look dirty or dull.
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A ... building or place is rather dark and depressing, and perhaps dirty
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Shaw took me to his rather dingy office
If a person has ... skin, their skin, especially on their face, is a pale-yellowish colour and looks unhealthy.
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His face was sallow and shiny with sweat.
A ... system, union, or collection of things has been put together without much thought and is not likely to work very well.
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1. They joined with a ramshackle alliance of other rebels. 2... the present tax system, which the opposition says is ramshackle and complicated
A ... building is badly made or in bad condition, and looks as if it is likely to fall down.
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hey entered the shop, which was a curious ramshackle building
If you describe a person or their actions as ..., you mean that the person does something or is involved in something without realizing it.
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We're unwitting victims of the system
happening without any sudden changes, interruption, or difficulty:
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The intention is to achieve a seamless transition with a continuity of management.
If you describe someone as ..., you mean that they try in a forceful way to get things done as they would like.
informal, disapproval
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1. She thought it would be too pushy. 2. Sign up online to use a provider's online trading platform and within minutes you will receive a call from a pushy salesman.
If you say that someone is being ..., you mean they are being rude to someone they ought to be respectful to.
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insolent reply, person...
hard to endure, perform, or accomplish
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severe test
You use ... to emphasize that a bad situation or quality is totally bad.
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1. an unmitigated fool 2. Last year's cotton crop was an unmitigated disaster
not willing to apologize or to make an apology
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But he remains unapologetic about what he does.
If one thing is... of another, it suggests what the other thing is likely to be.
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Often physical appearance is indicative of how a person feels.
When you're... you're bewildered, confused, lost, or mixed-up. In other words, you don't know what's going on.
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