A1 - List 3

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Do you work a lot?
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Tu travailles beaucoup?
Do you like learning new things?
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Tu aimes apprendre de nouvelles choses?
What's your name?
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Comment tu t'appelles?
What are we waiting for?
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Qu'est-ce qu'on attend?
That's pretty bad, huh?
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C'est plutôt mauvais, hein?
when did you get here?
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quand es-tu arrivé ici
Is that enough?
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Est-ce que ça suffit?
How long have you been learning English?
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Tu apprends l'anglais depuis combien de temps?
Did you start from zero?
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Tu es partie de zéro?
Did you watch the game last night?
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T'as regardé le match hier soir?
What kind of music do you like?
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Tu aimes quel genre de musique?
Do you watch any TV shows?
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Est-ce que tu regardes des séries télé?
How do you like the city?
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La ville te plaît?
What do you like about it?
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Qu'est-ce qui te plaît (sur le sujet)?
Why did you become a doctor?
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Pourquoi es-tu devenu docteur?
Who's that lady over there?
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Qui est cette femme, là-bas?
What would I do without you?
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Que ferais-je sans toi?
Is it true?
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C'est vrai?
Where are you? - I'm almost there.
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Tu es où? - Je suis presque arrivé.
Is anybody home?
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Y a quelqu'un?
What do you call this body part?
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Comment on appelle cette partie du corps?
Mm-hmm... Anything else?
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Hein-hein... Quelque chose d'autre?
Hard day at work, eh?
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Dure journée au boulot, c'est ça?
What kind of machine is that?
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Quel genre de machine c'est?
I never drink coffee.
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Je ne bois jamais de café.
I drink a lot of water.
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Je bois beaucoup d'eau.
I love The Beatles!
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J'adore les Beatles!
I love that place.
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J'adore cet endroit.
Ah!... I remember now!
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Ah !... Je me rappelle maintenant!
I go there all the time.
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J'y vais tout le temps.
I don't care anymore.
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Je m'en fiche.
Ow! That hurts!
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Aïe! Ça fait mal!
Nobody knows.
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Personne ne sait.
I'm working on a new problem.
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Je bosse sur un nouveau problème.
Are you kidding me? No way!
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Tu te moques de moi? Y a pas moyen!
How are you enjoying the party?
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Ça va, la fête te plaît?
What's happening?
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Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
What are you thinking about?
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A quoi tu penses?
Is he coming to the party this weekend?
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Est-ce qu'il vient à la soirée ce week-end?
I'm going to the store. Do you wanna come with me?
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Je vais au magasin. Tu veux venir avec moi?
They're looking for something.
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Ils cherchent quelque chose.
He is going through a lot.
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Il traverse une période difficile.
I'm making coffee. Does anyone want some?
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Je fais du café. Quelqu'un en veut?
We're going to the store.
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On va au magasin.
They're going to the movies.
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Ils vont au ciné.
I did it myself.
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Je l'ai fait moi-même.
Did you have fun?
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Tu t'es bien amusé(e)?
What did he do again?
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Qu'est-ce qu'il a fait encore?
Did she tell you the good news?
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Elle t'a annoncé la bonne nouvelle?
I remember. I was there.
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Je m'en souviens. J'étais là.
You were right.
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Tu avais raison.
It was great!
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C'était super!
He got his first car when he was sixteen.
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Il a eu sa première voiture quand il avait 16 ans.
The lights went out.
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Les lumières se sont éteintes.
I had a weird dream last night.
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J'ai fait un rêve étrange la nuit dernière.
He made a funny joke.
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Il a fait une blague bien marrante.
She gave me a nice gift!
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Elle m'a fait un beau cadeau!
She gave it to me on my birthday.
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Elle me l'a donné pour mon anniversaire.
I tried to call you last night.
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J'ai essayé de t'appeler la nuit dernière.
Did you find what you were looking for?
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T'as trouvé ce que tu cherchais?
What happened? - They fired him.
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Qu'est-ce qu'il s'est passé? - Ils l'ont viré.
You did it anyway!
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Tu l'as quand même fait!
That's exactly what I thought.
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C'est exactement ce que je pensais.
He had some trouble with his car though.
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Il avait des problèmes avec sa voiture, ceci dit.
Someone called while you were in the bathroom.
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Quelqu'un a appelé, pendant que tu étais dans la salle de bain.
I was right!
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J'avais raison!
Where were you last night?
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Tu étais où la nuit dernière?
What was the movie like? - It was okay.
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Le film était comment? - Ça allait.
We were young and crazy!
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Nous étions jeunes et fous!
Everyone was there!
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Tout le monde était là!
That was a beautiful gift.
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C'était un beau cadeau.
The lights were off.
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Les lumières étaient éteintes.
Our friends were there.
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Nos amis étaient là.
That was pretty funny. Hahaha!
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C'était très drôle! Hahaha!
I'm going to make some coffee.
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Je vais faire du café.
Are you going to say no?
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Tu vas refuser?
Is he going to talk about it?
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Est-ce qu'il va en parler?
She's gonna love it!
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Elle va adorer!
It's going to be fun.
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Ça va être marrant.
We're going to show him.
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On va lui montrer.
What are they gonna do?
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Qu'est-ce qu'ils vont faire?
I'll ask somebody.
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Je vais demander à quelqu'un.
I'll be there soon.
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Je serai bientôt arrivé.
Take this, you'll need it.
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Prends ça, tu vas en avoir besoin.
Will he do it? - No, he won't do it.
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Il va le faire? - Non, il ne va pas le faire.
She will call you tomorrow.
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Elle vous appellera demain.
Come on! It will be fun!
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Allez! (Viens!) Ça va être marrant!
We'll take care of it.
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On va s'en occuper.
Will they be home tonight?
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Ils seront chez eux ce soir?
I've been here since one o'clock.
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Je suis ici depuis 13 heures.
I've been here for one hour.
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Ça fait une heure que je suis ici.
I'd like to show you my idea.
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Je voudrais vous montrer mon idée.
Would you like some water? - Yes, thank you.
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Tu veux de l'eau? - Oui, s'il te plaît.
Would you like some food? - No, thanks.
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Tu veux manger quelque chose? - Non, merci.
They'd like to say a few words.
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Ils voudraient dire quelques mots.
Maybe you guys would like a beer?!
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Peut-être que vous voulez une bière?!
Would you like me to bring something?
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Tu veux que j'apporte quelque chose?
I'd like to say thank you.
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Je voudrais te remercier.
Would you like to drive?
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Tu veux conduire?
We would like to build our own house.
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On voudrait construire notre propre maison.
No, he wouldn't like it.
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Non, ça lui plairait pas.
I like meeting new people.
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J'aime rencontrer de nouvelles personnes.
I love listening to music.
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J'aime écouter de la musique.
I love speaking in a new language!
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J'aime parler dans une nouvelle langue!
I hate getting up early!
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Je déteste me lever tôt!
I hate waiting in line.
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Je déteste faire la queue.

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