4A (27.11.2019)

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disappointed with
His parents were bitterly disappointed in/with him.
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unhappy because someone or something was not as good as you hoped or expected, or because something did not happen
This exercise is designed to trim your hips and stomach.
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the area below the waist and above the legs at either side of the body, or the joint that connects the leg to the upper part of the body
She looked absolutely fabulous in her dress.
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very good; excellent
blame sb for sth
Hugh blames his mother for his lack of confidence.
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to say or think that someone or something did something wrong or is responsible for something bad happening
scuba diving
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the sport of swimming underwater with special breathing equipment
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the activity of swimming while using a snorkel
a snorkel
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​ a tube that you hold in your mouth to help you breathe if you are swimming with your face underwater
She felt embarrassed about undressing in front of the doctor.
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feeling ashamed or shy
We advertised our car in the local newspaper.
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to make something known generally or in public, especially in order to sell it
a sweet wrapper
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a piece of paper, plastic, or other material that covers and protects something

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