22nd of March

 0    16 schede    nataliawiedrycka
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Domanda Risposta
Pojadę rowerem
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I will go
do sklepu
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to the shop
po lekcji bedę robić
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I will do it after the lesson
Z kim tam idziesz?
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Who are you going with there
Sprawdziany w szkole
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Tests at school
Jest zimno
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It is cold
Plac zabaw
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Mój dom jest duży
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My house is big
Zbieram jabłka
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I'm picking apples
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Salon jest największy
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The living room is the largest
Odpoczywam w łóżku
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I'm resting in bed
Mam duży ogród
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I have a big garden
Mogę w nim biegać
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I can run in it
kwiaty w ogrodzie
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flowers in the garden

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