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Domanda English Risposta English
to put on special clothes in order to change your appearance
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dress up
to put on formal clothes for a special occasion
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dress up
not taking or showing enough care and attention
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having no problems or not being worried about anything
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to injure someone with a sharp pointed object such as a knife
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to make a short, forceful pushing movement with a finger or a long, thin object
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to bring your eyebrows together so that there are lines on your face above your eyes, often while turning the corners of your mouth downwards, showing that you are annoyed, worried, sad, or thinking hard
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in a way that is very unpleasant and makes you unhappy
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a bell, operated by a button on or next to the door of a house, that you push to tell the people inside that you are there
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If the skin around your eyes is ... it is slightly swollen
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containing a lot of careful detail or many detailed parts
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