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How are the photos connected to the problems
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Re-cycling bicycles - hunger and poverty, Shall we dance? - disease and poverty, Making a good impression - unemployment
Ken Thind's business helps unemployed people by offering _. a) jobs b) clothes c) services
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c) services
The thing that makes Ken happiest is when someone _ a) says thank you b) gets a job c) offers to pay from their profits
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b) gets a job
Ryan Sinclair _ the charity. a) works full-time for b) set up c) is a volunteer for
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c) is a volunteer for
The couple in Zambia was able to _. a) learn to read and write b) send their children to school c) get a job in the market
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a) learn to read and write
Sarah was inspired by the twelve-year-old kid because he needed _. a) a carer b) support c) help with his schoolwork
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b) support
The author visited the dance marathon at _. a) 5 o'clock b) 12 o'clock c) the end of the event. start learning
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b) 5 o'clock
check someone's background information
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I don't vet people to see if they really are unemployed, but it's a one-off deal.
a especial arrangement that you can do only once
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it's a one-off deal: happening, done, or made only once
gives for free
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an eye-opening experience
promise to give money
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pledge - a serious or formal promise, especially one to give money
do something at the same speed as others
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he couldn't keep up with his schoolwork
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how big or important something is
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a jacket and trousers or a skirt that are made of the same material and are worn together
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a set of clothes that you wear together
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to check details about a person in order to make sure they are suitable for a particular job
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happening only once
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an agreement or arrangement, especially in business or politics
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the money that you get when you sell something for more than you paid for it, especially in business
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used to say that something is interesting, useful, or enjoyable
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if something is worthwhile, it is important or useful, even though you have to spend time, effort, or money doing it
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to repair something
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to repair something that is broken or damaged SYN fix
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three times as big, as much, or as many as something else SYN triple
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continuing all through your life
raise money
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to get people to give money that will be used to help other people or to do a particular job
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someone who looks after a child, or a person who is old or ill
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a serious or public promise
keep up
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to do something as well or as quickly as other people
join in
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to begin to take part in an activity that other people are already doing
time off
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time when you are allowed not to be at work or studying
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to give money to an event or institution, especially in exchange for the right to advertise

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