19.09.22 cz.2

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Domanda English Risposta English
to live from hand to mouth
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have just enough money to live on and nothing extra
to give sb the sack
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fire sb
to butter sb up
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to burn the candle at both ends
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work hard and not get enough sleep
it’s not my cup of tea
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i’m not interested
to go bananas
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become crazy
to stand up for
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the ball is in sb's court
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sb needs to decide and take some actions
to push sb’s buttons
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to make a long story short
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the straw that broke the camel's back
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the last in a series of bad things
to seize the day
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make the most of the present
to be at the end of sb's rope
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have no more patience
to pull the wool over sb’s eyes
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to save sb’s breath
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it’s useless to talk to sb
to kill two birds with one stone
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do two things at the same time
a tough cookie
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someone able to deal with difficult situations
to be over the moon
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be very happy
to be in hot water
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be in a difficult situation
to take the leap
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take one’s chances

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