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On wczoraj spadl ze schodow
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He fell down the stairs yesterday
Kiedy uczylem sie jezdzic na rowerze, ciagle przewracalem sie
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When I was learning to ride a bike, I kept falling over all the time
Moja czapka wypadla z pudelka
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My cap fell out of the box
Doniczka spadla z balkonu
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The flowerpot fell off from the balcony
Zwykle kluca sie o glupie rzeczy
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They usually fall out over stupid things
To wpada do tej samej kategorii
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It falls into the same category
Moje zycie rozpada sie
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My life is falling apart
Moj biznes nie wypalil
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My business fell through
Bylem chory tydzien i mam zaleglosci
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I was sick for a week and I am falling behind now
Nabrali sie na nasza historie
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They fell for our story
Dalem sie nabrac na twoja historie
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I fell for your story
Nie wiem dlaczego wypadaja mi wlosy
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I don't know why my hair is falling out
Nie moge zrozumiec dlaczego zakochala sie w nim
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I can’t understand why she fell for him

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