15th of February

 0    16 schede    nataliawiedrycka
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Domanda Risposta
pada śnieg
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it's snowing
Płatek śniegu
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Aniołek ze śniegu
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Snow Angel
Zimno mi nie pasuje
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I don't like the cold
ciepłe ubranie
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warm clothes
jeździć na nartach
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to ski
edę odpoczywać
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Ed is resting
Rozmawiam z rodziną
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I'm talking to my family
sprawdzian z histori
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history test
w weekend
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during the weekend
o której wstajesz w weekend?
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what time do you get up on the weekend?
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in the morning
czas na odpoczynek
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time to relax
muszę to zrobić
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I have to do it
pomogę mamie
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I'll help mom
na zawnątrz
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