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Can you come here?
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Puoi venire qui?
you can come to the office
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puoi venire in ufficio
I think Italy is beautiful for me
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penso che l’italia sia bella per me
it works well
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funziona bene
the temple
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il tempio
tempi = temples (plural)
there is an incorrect programming of the machine
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c'è una programmazione errata della macchina
The thickness of the tape is wrong
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Lo spessore del nastro è sbagliato
The wrong tube
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Il tubo sbagliato
the broken fin
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la aletta rotta
the wrong dimensions
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le dimensioni sbagliate
the circuit is blocked
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il circuito è otturato
The burns
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Le bruciature
The thickness of the tape
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Lo spessore del nastro
the lack of alloy
brazing alloy rods
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la mancanza di lega
The wrong size
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La misura sbagliata
the final product is damaged
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il prodotto finale è danneggiato
It is during packing and loading
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È durante l'imballaggio e il caricamento
the protractor
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il goniometro
square angle
„L-square” (kątownik pomiarowy)
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the caliper
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il calibro
The depth gauge
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Il calibro di profondità
in short
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in breve
from my point of view
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dal mio punto di vista
we can divide the problems into two sections
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possiamo dividere i problemi in due sezioni
I would say that...
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Direi che...
consider Polish cities
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considera le città polacche
we like our teacher
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ci piace il nostro insegnante
we live with our dog
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viviamo con il nostro cane
there are many jobs
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ci sono molti lavori
it is neither too big nor too small
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non è né troppo grande né troppo piccolo
referring to gliwice
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riferendosi a gliwice
there are a lot of jobs considering other Polish cities
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ci sono molti lavori considerando altre città polacche
referring to the city
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riferendosi alla città
his number is
her number is
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il suo numero è
the plains and the mountains
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le pianure e le montagne
I love the city
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Amo la città
it’s more important than
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è più importante di
more than two years
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più di due anni

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