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Domanda Risposta
Jaki samochód masz?
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What car do you have?
Jak to zrobić?
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How to do it?
Jakie akcje kupisz?
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What stocks will you buy?
Jak dojeżdzasz do pracy
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How do you get to work?
kiedy dostaniesz pieniądze?
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when will you get the money?
Jakie oprocentowanie cię interesuje?
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What interest rate are you interested in?
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(legal) obligation
fundusze inwestycyjne
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investment funds
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investment / invest
jakie ryzyko chcesz podjąć?
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what risk do you want to take?
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will pay off
próbować z mniejszym nakładem finansowym
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try with smaller money
spróboj to zrobić
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try to do this
jakie zasady rządzą rynkiem
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what rules rule/govern the market
w tym momencie
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at the moment
wszystko będzie gotowe
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everything will be ready
użyć tego do relaksu i wypoczynku
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use this to relax and rest
i tak dalej
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and so on

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