11: grammar

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sometimes (2)
do you sometimes work on Saturdays?
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parfois, quelquefois
Tu travailles quelquefois/parfois le samedi?
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Ne, he never has coffee in the morning
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ne... jamais
non, il ne prend jamais de café le matin
You're eating dessert already?
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Tu manges déjà le dessert?
Do you still go to that gym?
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Vas-tu encore à ce gym?
not yet
No, I'm not eating dessert yet
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ne ... pas encore
Non, je ne mange pas encore le dessert
no longer, not anymore
No, I do not go there anymore
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ne ... plus
Non, je n'y vais plus
do you see something?
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quelque chose
tu vois quelque chose?
nothing, not anything
No, I do not see anything
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ne ... rien
Non, je ne vois rien
Do they hear someone?
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Ils entendent quelqu'un?
No one, not anyone
No, they do not hear anyone
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non, ils n'entendent personne
What is Laurent scared of?
He's not scared of anything!
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De quoi Laurent a-t-il peur?
Il n'a peur de rien!
Are you thinking about someone?
No, I'm not thinking about anyone
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Tu penses à quelqu'un?
Non, je ne pense à personne
Nothing interests me
nothing as subject
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Rien ne m'intéresse
rien ne
No one is answering
no one as subject
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Personne ne répond
personne ne
I have only five euros
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Je n'ai que cinq euros
j'ai seulement cinq euros
We can only read three books a year
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Nous ne pouvons lire que trois livres par an
We will stop by his place this evening
stressed pronound after preposition
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On va passer chez lui ce soir
chez lui
One must trust oneself
stressed pronound after preposition
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On doit avoir confiance en soi
en soi
I prefer to eat dinner with Thomas and you
stressed pronoun, compound
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Je préfère dîner avec Thomas et toi
Valérie and I, we are going to win!
stressed pronoun, compound
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Valérie et moi, on va gagner!
He? He loves the cook, and she, she prefers doing household projects
stressed pronoun, emphasize subj.
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Lui, Il aime la cuisinière, et elle, elle préfère faire des projets ménagers
lui, elle (1)
They are very lucky they!
stressed pronoun, emphasize subj.
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ils ont beaucoup de chance, eux!
They are the ones with whom I'm speaking
stressed pronoun (after c'est, ce sont)
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Ce sont eux avec qui je parle
Is it you, Roger and Michelle?
stressed pronoun (after c'est, ce sont)
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C'est vous, Roger et Michelle?
No, she's mine, the old car is her's
stressed pronoun (possession with être)
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Non, elle est à moi, la vieille voiture est à elle
Those ski's are ours
stressed pronoun (possession with être)
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Ces skis sont à nous
Are those children your's? (2)
stressed pronoun (possession with être) / possessive pronoun
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Ces enfants sont à vous?
Ce sont les vôtres?
I think often about him
stressed pronoun (after certain verbs)
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Je pense souvent à lui
penser à +
Yes, I value them a great deal (pull)
stressed pronoun (after certain verbs)
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Oui, je tiens beaucoup à eux
tenir à +
I no longer like that guy, I'm giving up on him
stressed pronoun (after certain verbs)
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Je n'aime plus ce mec, je renonce à lui
renoncer à +
You are driving yourself?
stressed pronoun (with même for emphasis)
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Tu conduis toi-même?
Are they doing the housework themselves?
stressed pronoun (with même for emphasis)
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Font-ils le ménage eux-mêmes?
Look at that bird!
imp. tu
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Regarde cet oiseau-là!
Please speak more slowly
imp. vous
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Parlez plus lentement s'il vous plaît
We have time, let's listen to this song
imp. nous
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Nous avons le temps, écoutons cette chanson
Let's choose a movie for this evening
imp. nous
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Choisissons un film pour ce soir
consider your choices well
imp. vous
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réfléchissez bien vos choix
Finish your vegetables!
imp. tu
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Finis vos légumes!
Wait! I'm coming
imp. tu
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Attends! J'arrive
Let's get off at Odéon, o.k.?
imp. nous
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Descendons à Odéon, d'accord?
Sell the blue bike; it's too small.
imp. vous
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Vendez le vélo bleu; c'est trop petit.
Stay calm, there is no danger
imp. tu
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sois calme, il n'y a pas de danger
Trust your friend
imp. vous
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ayez confiance en votre ami
go get two baguettes
imp. tu
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va chercher deux baguettes
Let's go jogging tomorrow morning
imp. nous
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faisons du jogging demain matin
Don't be afraid
neg. imp. tu
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N'aie pas peur
Let's not make any noise
neg. imp. nous
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Ne faisons pas de bruit
Don't buy any tobacco
neg. imp. vous
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N'achetez pas de tabac
Buy them!
Don't buy them
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Ne les achète pas
Drink it!
don't drink it
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n'en buvez pas!
Let's go there!
Let's not go there!
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n'y allons pas!
Pass me the bread, please
No, don't pass me the bread
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Passe-moi le pain, s'il te plait
non, ne me passe pas le pain
Talk about it!
don't talk about it!
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n'en parle pas!
Go there!
Do not go there
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N'y va pas!
a lightbulb
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Une ampoule
a bathtub
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une baignoire
a broom
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un balai
a kettle
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une bouilloire
a microwave
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un micro-onde
a rag
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un chiffon
mes en vork
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les couverts
the sheets
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les draps (m)
a sink
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un évier
an attic
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un grenier
the bedding
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la literie
a sewing machine
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une machine à coudre
a can opener
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un ouvre-boîtes
a tile floor
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un carrelage
a wood floor
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un parquet
the dustpan
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la pelle (à poussière)
the ironing board
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la planche à repasser
a clothing dryer
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un sèche-linge
a towel / napkin
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une serviette
a basement (2)
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Une cave / un sous-sol
a floor mop
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une tignasse
a toilet plunger
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un ventouse
a toolbox
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une caisse à outils
the scissors
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les ciseaux (m)
the nails (spijkers)
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les clous (m)
a ladder
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une échelle
an ax
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une *hache
a switch
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un interrupteur
a flashlight
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une lampe de poche
a hammer
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un marteau
the paint
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la peinture
a drill
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une perceuse
a paintbrush
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un pinceau
a plombing
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un plomberie
a saw
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une scie
the duck tape
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Le scotch
the lock
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la serrure
the screwdriver
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le tourne-vis
the screw
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la vis
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à la retraite

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