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Korek uliczny
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Snarl of traffic
Snarl" means a growling sound or a tangled mess. Imagine a dog baring its teeth and growling—that’s a snarl! Or picture headphones completely tangled up—that’s also a snarl!
Pies warknął na listonosza.
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The dog snarled at the mailman.
A dog's deep snarl, a tangled cord, Both are snarls, just take my word!
Namacalny dowód
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Tangible proof
Tangible" means something you can touch or something real. Imagine a dream about winning the lottery—that’s not tangible. But holding real money in your hands—that’s tangible!
Pieniądze na stole są namacalne.
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The money on the table is tangible.
Tangible" sounds like "touchable"—if you can grab it, it’s tangible! Picture a ghost trying to pick up an apple, but its hand goes through. The apple is tangible, the ghost isn’t!
potencjał ukryty
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latent potential
Latent" means something is there, but not visible or active yet. Imagine a seed in the ground—it’s not a tree yet, but it has the potential to grow!
Jego zdolności muzyczne pozostały uśpione, dopóki nie spróbował gry na pianinie.
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His musical skills were latent until he tried playing the piano.
Latent is a shy singer in a crowd, quietly humming—until one day, they grab the mic and shock everyone!
Jednomyślna decyzja
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Unanimous decision
Unanimous" means everyone agrees on something—no one says "no." Imagine a group of friends voting on pizza for dinner, and everyone shouts "YES!"—that’s unanimous!
Marna ilość
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Piddly amount
Piddly" means something is so small or unimportant that it’s almost useless. Imagine getting one tiny French fry in your meal—that’s piddly!
Za swoją ciężką pracę otrzymywał marne wynagrodzenie.
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He was paid a piddly salary for all his hard work.
Piddly is a chef serving a plate with just one pea on it, proudly saying, "Enjoy your feast!"
Ukryta pułapka
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Hidden pitfall
Pitfall" means a hidden problem that can cause trouble if you're not careful. Imagine walking through a jungle and suddenly falling into a hole covered with leaves—that’s a pitfall!
dla potomności
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for posterity
Posterity" sounds like "post + eternity"—like something that lasts even after we’re gone! Picture a caveman drawing on a wall, thinking, "I wonder if someone will see this in 1,000 years?
Sadzili drzewa dla potomnych.
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They planted trees for posterity.
Posterity" means all the people who will live after us in the future. Imagine writing a letter and burying it in a time capsule—one day, posterity (future generations) will read it!
Strzykawka medyczna
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Medical syringe
Syringe" sounds like "sir inch"—imagine a tiny knight named Sir Inch, holding a syringe like a sword! Or picture a giant mosquito with a doctor’s coat, ready to "help" with a syringe!
Lekarz napełnił strzykawkę lekiem.
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The doctor filled the syringe with medicine.
A tiny tube, a little sting, A syringe can help—just don’t wince!
Zespół ratownictwa medycznego
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Paramedic team
Paramedic" sounds like "parachute medic"—imagine a doctor jumping out of a plane to rescue someone! Or picture a superhero in a white coat, running with a first-aid kit!
Ratownik medyczny udzielił pomocy rannemu mężczyźnie.
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The paramedic helped the injured man.
Sirens loud, the rush is quick, Help is near—a paramedic!
Ster statku
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Ship rudder
Rudder" is a flat piece of wood or metal that helps steer a boat or a plane. Imagine a fish using its tail to change direction in the water—that’s like a rudder!
Kapitan obrócił ster, aby zmienić kierunek.
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The captain turned the rudder to change direction.
Left or right, fast or slow, The rudder tells where you should go!
Cieknący kran
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Leaking faucet
Faucet" sounds like "force it"—sometimes you have to force an old faucet to stop dripping! Picture a tiny plumber wrestling with a giant faucet, shouting, "Stop leaking!"
Po umyciu rąk zakręciła kran.
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She turned off the faucet after washing her hands.
Faucet" sounds like "force it"—sometimes you have to force an old faucet to stop dripping! Picture a tiny plumber wrestling with a giant faucet, shouting, "Stop leaking!"
Przewrócone krzesło
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Upended chair
Upended" means something was flipped over or turned upside down. Imagine a turtle lying on its back, struggling to flip over—that’s upended!
Silny wiatr przewrócił żółwia
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The strong wind upended the turtle
Upended" sounds like "up + ended"—like something ended up in the air! Picture a waiter carrying a tray, tripping, and everything flying up before crashing down—total upended chaos!
Zatrzymane zachowanie
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Inhibited behavior
Czuł się zbyt skrępowany, żeby tańczyć przed innymi.
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He felt too inhibited to dance in front of others.
Inhibited is a nervous person at a party, standing in the corner, wanting to have fun but too shy to join in!
Utknięty podróżnik
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Stranded traveler
Stranded" means being stuck somewhere with no way to leave. Imagine a boat floating away while you’re stuck alone on an island—that’s stranded!
burza pozostawiła nas uwięzionych na lotnisku
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the storm left us stranded at the airport
Stranded" sounds like "strange land"—like being lost in a place with no way to get home! Picture a penguin on a tiny iceberg, drifting away, waving for help!
Cudowne dziecko
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Child prodigy
Prodigy" means someone, especially a young person, who is extremely talented at something. Imagine a 5-year-old playing the piano better than professionals—that’s a prodigy!
Mozart był muzycznym cudem.
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Mozart was a musical prodigy.
Prodigy" sounds like "product of genius"—someone born with amazing skills! Picture a baby solving a Rubik’s Cube in 5 seconds while drinking milk!
Skrupulatne planowanie
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Meticulous planning
"Meticulous" means paying very close attention to details and making sure everything is perfect. Imagine a chef placing each grain of rice perfectly on a plate—that’s meticulous!
Jest bardzo dokładna w utrzymywaniu porządku na biurku.
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She is meticulous about keeping her desk organized.
Wyczerpujący trening
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Grueling workout
Grueling" means something so hard and exhausting that it pushes you to your limits. Imagine carrying a heavy backpack up a steep mountain in the blazing sun—that’s grueling!
Maraton był wyczerpującym wyzwaniem.
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The marathon was a grueling challenge.
Grueling" sounds like "cruel-ing"—like something so difficult it feels cruel! Picture a coach making a runner do 100 push-ups while yelling, "Again!"
Rówieśnicy ze szkoły
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School peers
Peers" means people who are the same age or at the same level as you. Imagine a classroom full of students your age—those are your peers!
Zawsze stara się zaimponować swoim rówieśnikom.
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He always tries to impress his peers.
Peers" sounds like "peers through"—like someone peeking through a window to check if their friends are there! Or picture penguins in suits, all the same height, standing in a group—they’re peers!
aprobata naszych rówieśników
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approval of our peers
Same in age, same careers, Friends around? They are your peers!
Sezon godowy
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Mating season
Mating" means when animals come together to reproduce and have babies. Imagine two birds dancing around each other before starting a family—that’s mating!
Ptaki śpiewają, aby przyciągnąć partnera w okresie godowym.
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Birds sing to attract a mate during mating season.
*"Mating" sounds like "dating", but for animals! Picture two penguins on a romantic dinner date, holding flippers—it’s mating time!
Porwany przez tłum
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Swept along by the crowd
Swept along" means being carried away by something, like water, wind, or strong emotions. Imagine a leaf floating down a fast river—it has no choice but to go with the flow!
Zaszalej z ubraniami
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Splurge on clothes
Splurge" means spending a lot of money on something special, often in an impulsive way. Imagine someone walking into a store, grabbing everything they like, and saying, "I deserve this!"
Zaszaleli i kupili nowy telefon.
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She splurged on a new phone.
Splurge" sounds like "spilling" money—like throwing cash everywhere! Picture a person making it "rain" with money while dancing in a shopping mall!
popisywać się
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Spent too much, felt the urge, Money's gone—that’s a splurge!
Palili trawkę na imprezie.
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They smoked pot at the party.
Smoke pot" sounds like "smoking from a pot", like using a cooking pot instead of a pipe! Picture a chef holding a steaming pot and saying, "Wrong pot, dude!"
Sprytny podstęp
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Clever ruse
Ruse" means a trick used to deceive someone. Imagine a cat pretending to be asleep just to catch a mouse—that’s a ruse!
Życzliwość pirata była tylko podstępem, by oszukać załogę.
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The pirate’s kindness was just a ruse to trick the crew.
"Ruse" sounds like "ruse cruise"—imagine a pirate pretending to be friendly just to rob a ship!
Pobudzenie nerwowe
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Nervous agitation
"Agitation" means feeling nervous, restless, or upset about something. Imagine a person tapping their foot, biting their nails, and looking at the clock every five seconds—that’s agitation!
Krążył po pokoju zdenerwowany, czekając na wyniki.
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He paced the room in agitation, waiting for the results.
Agitation" sounds like "ants in a station"—imagine ants running around a train station in panic, bumping into each other! Or picture a washing machine shaking like crazy—that’s clothes in agitation!
Niebezpieczny nałóg
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Dangerous vice
Vice" means a bad habit or behavior that can be harmful. Imagine someone who can't stop biting their nails or gambling—that’s a vice!
Jego najgorszy wada sprawiła, że poślizgnął się na lodzie.
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His worst vice made him slip on ice.
Vice" sounds like "slip on ice"—imagine someone trying to walk on ice but slipping every time, just like falling back into a bad habit!
Odrobina smutku
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Tinge of sadness
Tinge" means a small amount of color, feeling, or quality mixed into something. Imagine a drop of blue paint falling into a glass of water—it gives the water a slight tinge of blue!
W jej głosie słychać było nutę ekscytacji, jakby dzwonił mały dzwoneczek.
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Her voice had a tinge of excitement, like a tiny bell ringing.
Tinge" sounds like "ting!", like a tiny bell adding just a little sound, just like a tinge adds a little color or emotion!
Możesz wybrać
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You get to choose
You get to" means you have the chance or permission to do something. Imagine winning a special ticket that lets you go backstage at a concert—you get to meet your favorite artist!
Dzięki temu karnetowi będziesz mieć możliwość zobaczenia kulis!
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With this pass, you get to see the backstage!
You get to" sounds like "you get a ticket to", like a golden ticket giving you access to something special!
przyswajać wiedzę
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Internalize knowledge
Internalize" means to take in new ideas, emotions, or information and make them part of yourself. Imagine a sponge soaking up water—just like your brain absorbing knowledge!
Jak gąbka chłonął każdą lekcję.
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Like a sponge, he internalized every lesson.
Internalize" sounds like "turn it inside", like putting knowledge or feelings deep inside your mind!
Ograniczyć wolność
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Constrain freedom
Constrain" means to limit or force someone to do something. Imagine trying to run, but ropes are tied around your legs—that’s being constrained!
Obcisłe buty krępowały jego ruchy.
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His tight shoes constrained his movement.
"Constrain" sounds like "contain", like being trapped inside a small box and unable to move freely!
Podejść ukradkiem
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Sidle up
Sidle" means to move sideways in a quiet or sneaky way. Imagine a cat slowly creeping along a wall, trying not to be noticed—that’s sidling!
Próbował przemknąć obok nauczyciela bez bycia zauważonym
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He tried to sidle past the teacher without being seen.
Niedożywione dziecko
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Malnourished child
Malnourished" means not getting enough food or the right nutrients to stay healthy. Imagine a plant that hasn’t been watered for weeks—its leaves are weak and drooping, just like a malnourished person feels!
Błąkający się pies wyglądał na niedożywionego i słabego, szukał pożywienia.
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The stray dog looked malnourished and weak, searching for food.
Malnourished" sounds like "badly nourished"—imagine a skinny stray dog looking sadly at a burger ad, dreaming of a full meal!
Piana mydlana
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Soap lather
Lather" means a thick foam made from soap, shampoo, or shaving cream. Imagine rubbing soap between your hands until it turns into fluffy bubbles—that’s lather!
Przed goleniem pokrył twarz grubą pianą.
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His bath exploded with lather like a lava eruption.
Lather" sounds like "lava"—imagine a volcano erupting, but instead of lava, it spills out tons of foamy soap bubbles!
Zwierzęta wędrowne
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Roaming animals
Roaming" means moving around freely without a fixed destination. Imagine a wolf wandering through a vast forest, going wherever it wants—that’s roaming!
Błąkał się jak zagubiony wilk w poszukiwaniu przygód.
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He roamed like a lost wolf searching for adventure.
Roaming" sounds like "roar"—imagine a lion wandering across the savanna, roaring as it explores new lands!
Wędrować swobodnie
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Roam freely
Roam" means moving around without a specific destination. Imagine a cat exploring the streets, going wherever it wants—that’s roaming!
Wędrował jak ciekawski kot w niekończącej się podróży.
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He roamed like a curious cat on an endless journey.
Roam" sounds like "gnome"—imagine a little garden gnome sneaking out at night to wander the world!
Rozpieść się
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Pamper yourself
Pamper" means treating someone (or yourself) with extra care and comfort. Imagine a king lying on a soft couch, being fed grapes—that’s pampering!
Malutki piesek był rozpieszczany jak VIP w spa.
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The tiny dog was pampered like a VIP at a spa.
Pamper" sounds like "pampered pet"—imagine a tiny dog wearing sunglasses, getting a massage at a spa!
Wykolejenie pociągu
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Derail a train
Derail" means causing something to go off track or fail. Imagine a train suddenly sliding off the tracks—that’s derailment!
Jego żart wykoleił poważne spotkanie niczym pociąg, który wykoleił się z torów.
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His joke derailed the serious meeting like a train off the tracks.
Derail" sounds like "de-rail"—imagine a train losing its rails and chaotically crashing into a field!
Uprawniony kandydat
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Eligible candidate
Eligible" means meeting the requirements to do or receive something. Imagine a club with a bouncer checking a list—only people who meet the rules are eligible to enter!
Poczuł się jak VIP, który w końcu miał prawo wejść do tajnego klubu.
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He felt like a VIP, finally eligible to enter the secret club.
Eligible" sounds like "elite-jibble"—imagine a jellybean wearing a tuxedo, excited to join an exclusive candy club!
jeść z bogami
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dine with gods
"Dine" means having a meal, especially in a more formal or special way. Imagine sitting at a fancy restaurant with candles and a waiter—that’s dining!
Zjadł kolację jak król, zajadając się gigantyczną nogą z indyka
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He dined like a king, feasting on a giant turkey leg
Dine" sounds like "divine"—imagine angels serving a royal feast on golden plates!
Nużące zadanie
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Tedious task
Tedious" means something very boring and taking a long time to finish. Imagine copying a 500-page book by hand—so slow and tiring, that’s tedious!
Czuł się jak żółw wykonujący żmudną papierkową robotę.
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He felt like a turtle doing the tedious paperwork.
Tedious" sounds like "turtle-slow"—imagine a turtle yawning while trying to read a giant book with tiny letters!
schronisko dla zwierząt
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animals shelter
strona pozytywna/ negatywna
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upside/ downside
Zmienna pogoda
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Variable weather
Variable" means something that changes or is not always the same. Imagine a day where it’s sunny one minute and raining the next—that’s variable weather!
Jego nastrój był zmienny niczym kameleon zmieniający kolory.
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His mood was as variable as a chameleon changing colors.
Variable" sounds like "very able to change"—imagine a chameleon swapping colors every second, confused about what to pick!
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self complacency
Complacency" means feeling too comfortable or confident, which can lead to mistakes. Imagine a guard who stops paying attention because nothing bad has happened—then, trouble appears!
Podobnie jak senny strażnik, jego samozadowolenie sprawiło, że zignorował niebezpieczeństwo.
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Like a sleepy guard, his complacency made him ignore the danger.
Complacency" sounds like "calm place"—imagine a knight taking a nap in battle, thinking, "Eh, nothing will happen!"
Nieśmiały uśmiech
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Timid smile
Timid" means being shy or afraid to speak up or take action. Imagine a little bunny peeking out from behind a bush but too scared to hop forward—that’s timid!
Jak nieśmiały króliczek mówił cichym, nieśmiałym głosem.
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Like a shy bunny, he spoke in a timid, quiet voice.
Utknąć w rutynie
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Stuck in a rut
Rut" means doing the same thing over and over again, feeling stuck and bored. Imagine a car stuck in deep mud, spinning its wheels but going nowhere—that’s a rut!
Jego życie wydawało się utknięte w koleinie niczym samochód w błocie
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Like a car in the mud, his life felt stuck in a rut
Rut" sounds like "route"—imagine someone walking the same path every day, never turning or exploring new roads!
Nacięcie chirurgiczne
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Surgical incision
Incision" means a precise cut, usually made during surgery or medical procedures. Imagine a doctor carefully making a small cut in the skin to perform an operation—that’s an incision!
Niczym artysta z pędzlem, chirurg wykonał idealne nacięcie.
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Like an artist with a brush, the surgeon made a perfect incision.
Incision" sounds like "in scissors"—imagine giant scissors carefully making a tiny, precise cut!
Zmusić do działania
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Compel action
Compel" means forcing or strongly convincing someone to do something. Imagine a powerful magnet pulling metal toward it—that’s like being compelled to act!
Jego przemówienie niczym magnes przyciągało wszystkich do słuchania.
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Like a magnet, his speech compelled everyone to listen.
Compel" sounds like "come, pal!"—imagine a friend grabbing your arm, dragging you somewhere, saying, "Come on, you have to!"
Zapanował chaos
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Chaos ensued
Ensue" means something happens as a result of something else. Imagine knocking over the first domino in a long row—what follows is what ensues!
Jak przewracające się domino, po błędzie nastąpił chaos.
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Like falling dominoes, chaos ensued after the mistake.
Ensue" sounds like "and so"—imagine a narrator saying, "He pushed the button... and so chaos ensued!"
Rozprzestrzeniająca się choroba
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Rampant disease
Rampant" means spreading quickly and being out of control. Imagine weeds taking over a garden, growing everywhere without stopping—that’s rampant!
Jak dzikie chwasty, plotki szerzyły się niekontrolowanie po mieście.
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Like wild weeds, rumors spread rampant through the town.
Rampant" sounds like "ram-panic"—imagine a wild ram running through a city, causing total chaos!
Niewłaściwie ustawione koła
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Misaligned wheels
Misaligned" means something is not lined up correctly, causing problems. Imagine a car with one wheel slightly off—driving it feels wobbly and wrong!
Jak krzywe koło, jego okulary były źle ustawione na twarzy.
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Like a crooked wheel, his glasses were misaligned on his face.
Misaligned" sounds like "missed the line"—imagine train tracks that don’t match up, so the train can’t move forward!
Impulsywna decyzja
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Impetuous decision
Impetuous" means acting suddenly without thinking about the consequences. Imagine someone jumping into a pool without checking if there’s water—that’s impetuous!
Podobnie jak samochód wyścigowy bez hamulców, jego porywcze działania przysporzyły mu kłopotów.
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Like a racing car with no brakes, his impetuous actions got him into trouble.
Impetuous" sounds like "I'm petting us!"—imagine someone impulsively petting a wild tiger, without thinking of the danger!
Ekskluzywna restauracja
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Upscale restaurant
Upscale" means fancy, expensive, or high-quality. Imagine a hotel with golden chandeliers, marble floors, and waiters in tuxedos—that’s upscale!
Niczym dom milionera hotel, był całkowicie ekskluzywny.
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Like a millionaire’s house, the hotel was completely upscale.
Upscale" sounds like "up the scale"—imagine a fancy elevator that only takes you to luxurious places!
Rozpadający się dom
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Ramshackle house
Ramshackle" means old, broken, and barely holding together. Imagine a house with a crooked roof, broken windows, and walls ready to collapse—that’s ramshackle!
Stodoła była tak rozklekotana, że nawet baran mógł ją przewrócić uderzeniem.
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The barn was so ramshackle that even a ram’s headbutt could bring it down.
Ramshackle" sounds like "rams shake all"—imagine a bunch of rams headbutting a shaky old barn until it crumbles!
Odrzuć twierdzenie
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Refute a claim
Refute" means proving that something is false or incorrect. Imagine a scientist showing clear evidence that a myth isn’t true—that’s refuting!
Jak detektyw, obalała każde fałszywe oskarżenie, przedstawiając dowody.
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Like a detective, she refuted every false accusation with proof.
Refute" sounds like "re-foot"—imagine someone losing a shoe in an argument, then putting it back on to stand their ground and prove their point!
Skaliste urwisko
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Rocky crag
Crag" means a steep, rough rock or cliff. Imagine a tall, jagged rock sticking out from a mountain—that’s a crag!
Jak dzielny kozioł wspiął się na stromą skałę.
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Like a daring goat, he climbed up the steep crag.
Crag" sounds like "crack"—imagine a giant rock with deep cracks, making it look rough and dangerous!
Skuty więzień
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Shackled prisoner
Shackled" means being physically or mentally restrained, like being trapped. Imagine someone with heavy chains around their wrists, unable to move freely—that’s shackled!
Jak duch w łańcuchach, czuł się skrępowany swoimi lękami.
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Like a ghost in chains, he felt shackled by his fears.
Shackled" sounds like "shack + held"—imagine a tiny wooden shack holding someone inside with giant chains!
śmiałość mówienia prawdy
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audacity to speak the truth
Audacity" means extreme confidence that can be admired or seen as rude. Imagine someone interrupting the king and saying, "Hey, your crown is crooked!"—that’s audacity!
Jak kot kradnący jedzenie, jego tupet zaszokował wszystkich.
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Like a cat stealing food, his audacity shocked everyone.
Audacity" sounds like "a dare city"—imagine a town where everyone constantly dares each other to do crazy things!

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