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I won't do it.
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Nie zrobię tego
I want to do it.
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Chcę to zrobić.
I don't want to do it.
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Nie chcę tego robić
What time does she start?
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O której godzinie zaczyna?
How much does he earn?
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Ile on zarabia?
What time do you start?
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O której zaczynasz?
How much do you earn?
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Ile zarabiasz?
What is he like?
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Jaki on jest?
When I start...
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Kiedy / Jak zaczynam...
Who is your favourite character in the Harry Potter books?
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Kto jest twoją ulubioną postacią z książek o Harrym Potterze?
He wants to be the champion of the world.
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On chce zostać mistrzem świata.
let in
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let out
Little Alex let out her parrot from the cage yesterday morning.
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Mała Ola uwolniła swoją papugę z klatki wczoraj rano.
What suprised me was that...
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Zaskoczyło mnie to, że...
He died.
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He is dead.
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On jest martwy.
His death...
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Jego śmierć...
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I had to...
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I didn't have to
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Nie musiałem
Where were you?
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Gdzie byłeś?
What did you do?
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Co zrobiłeś?

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