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Domanda American English Risposta American English
She felt ANGRY towards her colleague for getting the promotion she deserved
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She felt RESENTMENT towards her colleague for getting the promotion she deserved
The impact of the message was WEAKEN by too much information
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The impact of the message was DILUTED by too much information
His HALF ASSED attempt at fixing the car left it in worse shape than before.
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His MINIMAL EFFORT attempt at fixing the car left it in worse shape than before.
derived from
that many pasta shapes COME FROM specific regions in Italy.
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that many pasta shapes DERIVED FROM specific regions in Italy.
"Her actions ILLUSTRATE the qualities of a great leader."
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"Her actions EXEMPLIFY the qualities of a great leader."
"She remained UNAFFECTED to the criticism and continued her work."
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"She remained IMPERVIOUS to the criticism and continued her work."
fall in a ditch
"I was so distracted that I almost STUMBLE IN a ditch while walking."
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"I was so distracted that I almost FELL IN a ditch while walking."
revolve around
"The discussion will FOCUS ON climate change and its effects."
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"The discussion will REVOLVE AROUND climate change and its effects."
"The comedian IMPROVISED on current events during his stand-up routine."
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"The comedian RIFFED on current events during his stand-up routine."
"Her SLIGHTLY STRANGE sense of style makes her stand out in a crowd."
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"Her QUIRKY sense of style makes her stand out in a crowd."
hook up together
"They decided to ESTABLISH THEIR RELATIONSHIP after months of flirting."
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"They decided to HOOK UP TOGETHER after months of flirting."
Did you see that trick he pulled off? It was totally IMPRESSIVE!
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Did you see that trick he pulled off? It was totally GNARLY!
"Trust is the FOUNDATION of any successful relationship."
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"Trust is the CORNERSTONE of any successful relationship."
Her performance was absolutely PERFECT!
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Her performance was absolutely FLAWLESS!

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