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the headband (headbands)
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der Haarreif (die Haarreifen)
the hare, the hare
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der Hase, die Hasen
the wolf/wolves
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der Wolf/die Wölfe
the projector, the projectors
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der Projektor, die Projektoren
the foil, the foils
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die Folie, die Folien
the word card, the word cards
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die Wortkarte, die Wortkarten
the cap, the caps
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die kappe, die kappen
the spike, the spike
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die Zacke, die Zacken
the costume (the costumes)
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das Kostüm (die Kostüme)
the little red riding hood
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das Rotkäppchen
the pig, the pigs
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das Schwein, die Schweine
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the pointed cap, the pointed caps
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Die Zipfelmütze, die Zipfelmützen

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