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Domanda Risposta
gdzie bedziemy mieszkac
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where we will to live
co u ciebie?
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What about you?
kiedy będzie dźwig?
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when will the crane be
jak to zrobić?
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how to do it?
czy to też mamy robić?
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should we also do that?
czy daleko będziemy mieli do budowy?
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Will we have far to build?
co jeszcze mamy zrobić?
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what else do we have to do?
gdzie bedziemy mieszkac
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where we will to live
gdzie bedziemy jesc?
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where will we eat
czy możesz zabrać traktor
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can you take the tractor
zabrać traktor
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take the tractor
gdzie mogę to postawić
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where can i put it
tutaj to połóż
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put it here
gdzie robić transporter
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where to do the transporter
zaraz przyjedziemy
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we will come soon
mieliśmy rezerwację
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we had a reservation

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