zwroty email

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Domanda Risposta
najlepsze życzenia
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warm wishes
na razie
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talk to you soon
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yours truly
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lots of love
czekam na twój email
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I'm waiting for your e-mail
pogoda była fantastyczna
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the weather was fantastic
niestety wieczorem padał deszcz
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unfortunately it was raining in the evening
grałem w piłkę
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I was playing football
strzeliłem bramkę
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I scored a goal
obiad był pyszny
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the dinner was delicious
wuja rozbolał brzuch
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my uncle got stomach ache
do zobaczenia
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See you!
spaliśmy w lesie
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we slept in the forest
to było niesamowite doświadczenie
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it was an amazing experience

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