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to jest rzecz do cięcia papieru inizia ad imparare
it is a thing for cutting paper
to jest rzecz do robienia dziur inizia ad imparare
it is a thing for making holes
to jest środek do czyszczenia butów inizia ad imparare
it is stuff for cleaning shoes
to jest środek do prania ubrań inizia ad imparare
it is stuff for washing clothes
to jest płyn do mycia okien inizia ad imparare
it is liquid for cleaning windows
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możesz tym ciąć przedmioty inizia ad imparare
you can cut things with it
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to jest rzecz, którą jesz z chlebem inizia ad imparare
it's the stuff which you eat with bread
to jest ciecz do picia, z alkoholem inizia ad imparare
it's liquid for drinking, with alcohol
można na nim wykonywać skomplikowane obliczenia inizia ad imparare
you can do complicated calculations with it
to jest rzecz do słuchania wiadomości inizia ad imparare
it's a thing for listening to the news
to jest rzecz do krojenia chleba inizia ad imparare
it's a thing for cutting bread
to jest rzecz, którą czytasz inizia ad imparare
it's a thing which you read
to jest rzecz, w której mieszkasz inizia ad imparare
it's a thing in which you live
to jest rzecz, którą jesz z chlebem inizia ad imparare
it's the stuff which you eat with bread
to jest rzecz do jedzenia mięsa inizia ad imparare
it's a thing for eating meat
jaki jest twój ojciec? jest inteligentnym człowiekiem inizia ad imparare
what is your father like? he is an intelligent man
jak wygląda twój ojciec? mój tata jest wysoki i szczupły inizia ad imparare
what does your father look like? my father is tall and slim
do czego służy proszek do prania? to jest środek do prania ubrań inizia ad imparare
what is washing powder for? it's a stuff for washing clothes
co to jest benzyna? to jest ciecz, która spala się w silniku samochodu i wprawia samochód w ruch inizia ad imparare
what is petrol? it's the liquid which burns in a car's engine and makes the car move
co to jest krzesło? możesz na nim usiąść inizia ad imparare
what is a chair? you can sit on it
co to jest pociąg? można nim podróżować inizia ad imparare
what is a train? you can travel on it
jak długi jest samochód? samochód ma pięć metrów długości inizia ad imparare
how long is a car? a car is five metres long
jak gruba jest ta książka? ma cztery centymetry grubości inizia ad imparare
how thick is this book? it's four centimetres thick
jak duża jest nasza planeta? ma dwanaście tysięcy kilometrów średnicy inizia ad imparare
how big is our planet? it's twelve thousand kilometres across
jak szeroka jest ta ulica? ma dziesięć metrów szerokości inizia ad imparare
how wide is that street? it's ten metres wide
jak wysokie jest drzewo? ma dwadzieścia metrów wysokości inizia ad imparare
how high is a tree? it's twenty metres high
jak głęboki jest ocean? ma kilka kilometrów głębokości inizia ad imparare
how deep is the ocean? it's a few kilometres deep
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there is a book on the table
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w USA jest pięćdziesiąt stanów inizia ad imparare
there are fifty states in the USA
w zeszłym tygodniu było przyjęcie weselne inizia ad imparare
there was a wedding party last week
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there was a party at John's
jutro odbędzie się spotkanie inizia ad imparare
there will be a meeting tomorrow
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co znajduje się na stole? inizia ad imparare
what is there on the table?
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how many people are there in the classroom?
w lodówce nie ma jedzenia inizia ad imparare
there is no food in the fridge
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there was nobody in the park
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it is difficult to do this
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there has been an accident
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there was a lot of sunshine
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będzie dużo niebezpieczeństw inizia ad imparare
there will be a lot of danger
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nie ma zbyt wiele ciemności na ulicach inizia ad imparare
there is not much darkness on the streets
było mało zabawy na imprezie inizia ad imparare
there was little fun at the party
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jest za dużo hałasu w klasie inizia ad imparare
there is too much noise in the classroom
jest możliwość załatwienia tej sprawy inizia ad imparare
it's possible to solve this matter
nie padało od tygodni i nastąpiła susza inizia ad imparare
it didn't rain for weeks, and a drought followed
nie może być normalności, jeśli ludzie się nienawidzą inizia ad imparare
there can be no normality if people hate each other
jest dużo prawdy w tej książce inizia ad imparare
there is a lot of truth in this book
jest głównie pustka we wszechświecie inizia ad imparare
there is mostly emptiness in the universe
nie było szans na przeżycie dla dinozaurów inizia ad imparare
there was no survival for the dinos
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nie było nic co mógłbym zrobić inizia ad imparare
there was nothing i could do
jest spotkanie za tydzień, będzie pewnie ze dwadzieścia osób inizia ad imparare
there is a meeting in a week's time, there will probably be twenty people
jestem nauczycielem, prawda? inizia ad imparare
i am a teacher, aren't i?
nie jestem studentem, prawda? inizia ad imparare
i am not a student, am i?
chodźmy na spotkanie, dobrze? inizia ad imparare
let's go to the meeting, shall we?
chodź ze mną do garażu, dobrze? inizia ad imparare
come to the garage with me, will you?
proszę, przestań się ze mnie nabijać, dobrze? inizia ad imparare
please stop making fun of me, will you?
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somebody helped him, didn't they?
wszyscy będą szczęśliwi, prawda? inizia ad imparare
everybody will be happy, won't they?
nikt nie mógł tego zrobić, prawda? inizia ad imparare
nobody could do it, could they?
powinno się o tym pomyśleć, prawda? inizia ad imparare
one should think about it, shouldn't they?
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few people know him, do they?
kilka osób go zna, prawda? inizia ad imparare
a few people know him, don't they?
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we have little time, have we?
mamy trochę czasu, prawda? inizia ad imparare
we have a little time, haven't we?
raczej tego nie potrafią zrobić, prawda? inizia ad imparare
they can hardly do it, can they?
nigdy tam nie był, prawda? inizia ad imparare
he has never been there, has he?
rzadko tam bywał, prawda? inizia ad imparare
he has seldom been there, has he?
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powinni coś zrobić z tym problemem, prawda? inizia ad imparare
they should do something about this problem, shouldn't they?
lepiej zrobić to wszystko naraz, prawda? inizia ad imparare
you had better do it all at once, hadn't you?
lepiej, żeby nie słuchał przywódcy, prawda? inizia ad imparare
he had better not listen to the leader, had he?
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i have as much money as you
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i have as many books as you
mam więcej pieniędzy niż ty inizia ad imparare
i have more money than you
masz więcej książek niż ja inizia ad imparare
you have more books than i
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moja książka jest ciekawsza niż jego inizia ad imparare
my book is more interesting than his
moja książka jest najciekawsza inizia ad imparare
my book is the most interesting
to najbardziej fascynująca historia, jaką kiedykolwiek słyszałem inizia ad imparare
this is the most fascinating story i have ever heard
dobry / lepszy/ najlepszy inizia ad imparare
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daleko / dalej / najdalej inizia ad imparare
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what are the Germans like?
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what does Mary look like?
jak wygląda twój nauczyciel? inizia ad imparare
what does your teacher look like?
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what does your wife like?
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czy twój przyjaciel jest taki jak ty? inizia ad imparare
czy twój sąsiad cię lubi? inizia ad imparare
does your neighbour like you?
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today is the second of June
jutro jest szósty września inizia ad imparare
tomorrow is the sixth of September
urodziłem się dwudziestego siódmego marca inizia ad imparare
i was born on the twenty seventh of March
widzimy się w poniedziałek inizia ad imparare
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niezdolny do samodzielnego myślenia inizia ad imparare
unable to think autonomically
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jak myślisz, co powinienem zrobić? inizia ad imparare
what do you think i should do?
myślę, że powinieneś mu o tym powiedzieć inizia ad imparare
i think you should tell him about this
myślę, że powinieneś już iść inizia ad imparare
i think you should go now
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nie pozwól im tego zrobić inizia ad imparare
nie zapomnij wyłączyć światła inizia ad imparare
don't forget to switch the light off
nie zapomnij zamknąć drzwi inizia ad imparare
don't forget to lock the door
nie zapomnij podziękować gospodarzowi inizia ad imparare
don't forget to thank the host
gdybym był tobą, zrobiłbym to w ten sposób inizia ad imparare
if i were you, i would do it in this way
gdybym był tobą, nie ufałbym mu inizia ad imparare
if i were you, i would not trust him
gdybym był tobą, wziąłbym tę pracę inizia ad imparare
if i were you, i would take the job
to jest coś, co rośnie w lesie inizia ad imparare
it is something which grows in the forest
jest to nielegalna działalność, za którą można trafić do więzienia inizia ad imparare
it is an illegal activity for which you can go to prison
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it is something which you do
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how much time do you have?
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od siódmego roku życia musieliśmy chodzić do szkoły inizia ad imparare
we have had to go to school since we were seven years old
nie musi tu być, jeśli nie chce inizia ad imparare
he doesn't have to be here if he doesn't want to
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i won't be able to teach them
umiem jeździć na rowerze od piątego roku życia inizia ad imparare
i have been able to ride a bicycle since i was five years old
umiesz jeździć na rowerze, prawda? inizia ad imparare
you can ride a bike, can't you?
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he's got a brother, hasn't she?
ona jest miłą dziewczyną, prawda? inizia ad imparare
she's a nice girl, isn't she?
koty nie lubią psów, prawda? inizia ad imparare
cats don't like dogs, do they?
był w stanie prowadzić, prawda? inizia ad imparare
he was able to drive, wasn't he?
mogłem obserwować świat przyrody inizia ad imparare
i was able to watch the natural world
musiałem jechać koło Bostonu inizia ad imparare
i had to drive near Boston
będę musiał zadać mu kilka pytań inizia ad imparare
i will have to ask him a few questions
jestem w stanie to zrobić inizia ad imparare
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i will be able to help you
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czy będą w stanie wygrać? inizia ad imparare
will they be able to win?
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umiem kierować od roku 1996 inizia ad imparare
i have been able to drive since 1996
od kiedy tak dobrze grasz na pianinie inizia ad imparare
since when have you been able to play the piano so well
mała wioska jest spokojniejsza niż duże miasto inizia ad imparare
a small village is more quiet than a big city
ona nie zamierza rozmawiać z nieznajomymi inizia ad imparare
she isn't going to talk to strangers
nie wybrała studiów, wybrała pracę inizia ad imparare
she didn't choose university, she chose a job
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ten polski ksiądz został kardynałem, a potem Papieżem inizia ad imparare
this Polish priest became cardinal and later Pope
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to było największe odkrycie w historii Polski inizia ad imparare
it was the biggest discovery in Polish history
zostawiłem tu moją torbę, widziałeś ją? inizia ad imparare
i left my bag here, have you seen it?
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what are they trying to achieve?
złamałem nogę, kiedy byliśmy w górach inizia ad imparare
i broke my leg, when we were in the mountains
nie będę marnować czasu chodząc po mieście inizia ad imparare
i won't waste my time walking in the city
nie byłem w stanie pływać, ponieważ wiatr był zbyt silny inizia ad imparare
i wasn't able to swim because the wind was too strong
widzę, że znowu gracie w pokera. mogę dołączyć? inizia ad imparare
i see that you are playing poker again. can i join you?
dlaczego nie przyszedłeś na imprezę? czekaliśmy na ciebie. inizia ad imparare
why didn't you come to the party? we were waiting for you.
jesteś egoistą, więc masz mniej przyjaciół niż ja. inizia ad imparare
you are an egoist, so you have fewer friends than i.
dlaczego nie jesteś w szkole? inizia ad imparare
why aren't you at school?
nic nie piłem przez cały dzień, więc byłem spragniony. inizia ad imparare
i didn't drink anything all day, so i was thirsty.
nie mogłem otworzyć drzwi, ponieważ były zamknięte. inizia ad imparare
i couldn't open the door because it was locked.
jeśli chcesz mieć więcej pieniędzy, powinieneś znaleźć lepszą pracę. inizia ad imparare
if you want to have more money, you should find a better job.
nie będziesz w stanie rozwiązać sprawy, jeśli będziesz tak niecierpliwy. inizia ad imparare
you won't be able to solve the case if you are so impatient.
jeśli go nie zobaczę, zadzwonię do ciebie. inizia ad imparare
if i don't see him, i will call you.
kiedy będę miał pięćdziesiąt lat, nie będę już pracował. inizia ad imparare
when i am fifty, i won't work any more.
jeśli nie będzie chmur, będziemy oglądać gwiazdy. inizia ad imparare
if there are no clouds, we'll watch the stars.
jeśli zawieje silny wiatr, pobawimy się latawcami. inizia ad imparare
if the wind blows strong, we will play with kites.
Według prognozy pogody jutro będzie zimno. inizia ad imparare
according to the weather forecast, it will be cold tomorrow.
według dostępnych informacji jutro spadnie śnieg. inizia ad imparare
according to the available information, there will be snow tomorrow.
nic dziwnego, że są tu rzeczy o różnych kształtach. inizia ad imparare
it is not strange that there are things of different shapes here.
mam do czynienia ze wszystkim. inizia ad imparare
nie będzie rozwiązania dla tego problemu, aż twój stosunek do sprawy nie zmieni się. inizia ad imparare
there will be no solution to this problem until your attitude towards this issue changes.
jest ciemno, ale w tym czasie jest tu zawsze ciemność. inizia ad imparare
it is dark, but at this time there is always darkness here.
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it was boring during the meeting.
ich podejście wydawało się trochę niepoważne. inizia ad imparare
their approach seemed to be a little unserious.
w lesie jest dużo drzew - jest tam zielono. inizia ad imparare
there are a lot of trees in the forest - it's green there.
przejechaliśmy dopiero pięć mil. inizia ad imparare
we have driven five miles so far.
pospieszmy się, ponieważ wieczorem będzie mgliście. inizia ad imparare
let's hurry, because in the evening it will be foggy.
w przyszłym roku będziemy podróżować po świecie. inizia ad imparare
next year we will travel around the world.
pogoda się zmieniła, zobacz, będzie padać. inizia ad imparare
the weather has changed, look it is going to rain.
jeżeli będziesz tak postępować, wyślę cię na urlop. inizia ad imparare
if you act in this way, i will send you on holiday.
jeśli go zobaczę, powiem mu. inizia ad imparare
if i see him, i will tell him.
jeśli tu przyjedziesz, pokażę ci. inizia ad imparare
if you come here, i will show you.
jeśli nie przyjdą, stracą. inizia ad imparare
if they don't come, they will miss it.
jeśli nie będziesz mógł mi pomóc, zrobię to sam. inizia ad imparare
if you can't help me, i will do it on my own.
jeśli będą w domu, znajdziesz ich w ogrodzie. inizia ad imparare
if they are at home, you will find them in the garden.
jeśli nie będzie padać jutro, pójdziemy na spacer. inizia ad imparare
if it doesn't rain tomorrow, we shall go for a walk.
kiedy go zobaczysz, powiedz mu o spotkaniu. inizia ad imparare
when you see him, tell him about the meeting.
kiedy będę starszy, pojadę aby żyć w Hiszpanii. inizia ad imparare
when i am older, i will go to live in Spain.
kiedy skończysz kontrakt, co będziesz robił potem? inizia ad imparare
when you finish contract, what will you do next?