żebra, mostek

 0    3 schede    adammikulski
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żebra 1
inizia ad imparare
ribs, true ribs, false ribs, floating ribs, head of rib, neck of rib, tubercle, II-X crest of head of rib, crest of neck of rib, superior costotransverse ligament, floating ribs bez tubercle, costal groove, angle of rib
żebra 2
inizia ad imparare
rib I, scalene tubercle, groove for subclavian artery, groove for subclavian vein, costal cartilages, superior/inferior thoracic aperture
inizia ad imparare
sternum, costal notch, clavicular notch, jugular notch, manubrium, body, xiphoid process, sternal angle

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