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to musiała być chyba miłość
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it must have been love
to musi być chyba miłość
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it must be love
nie musisz płacić rachunków
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you don't have to pay bills
nie musiałaś wczoraj wysyłać maila
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You didn't have to send an email yesterday
nie potrzebnie kupiłam ten samochód
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I needen't have bought this car
miałem dostać kawe
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I was supposed to get coffee
muszę iść do pracy
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I have to go to work
musiałam kupić wczoraj chleb
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I had to buy bread yesterday
czy ja muszę zapłacić
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do I have to pay
musisz zatrzymać się na czerwonym
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you must stop at red
nie wolno mi palić
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I mustn't smoke
nie musiałam wczoraj jechać do londynu
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I didn't have to go to london yesterday

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