zdania 1

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Domanda Risposta
but I can't afford it
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ale nie stać mnie na to
I want to buy new phone
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Chcę kupić nowy telefon
You did it?
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Zrobiłeś to?
Did what?
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Co zrobił
Then we can go out
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Potem możemy wyjść
We'll go to see
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Pójdziemy zobaczyć
We could go other places
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Możemy pójść w inne miejsca
She'll go?
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But when
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Ale kiedy
We will find what you like
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Znajdziemy to, co lubisz
We will
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But I don't know
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Ale nie wiem
buy new phone
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kup nowy telefon
I did it for brather
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Zrobiłem to dla brata
Was the first
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Był pierwszy
It would one
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To by było jedno
I will call her
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zadzwonię do niej
I have som time
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Mam trochę czasu
But it's not the end
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Ale to nie koniec
See you soon,
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Do zobaczenia wkrótce,

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