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Domanda Risposta
inizia ad imparare
in conclusior/ all in all/ to sum up
uważam, że
inizia ad imparare
hold the view/ opinion (that)
z powyższych punktów wynika, że
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it is clear from the above evidence that
biorąc to wszystko pod uwagę
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taking everything into account/ taking everything into consideration / on the whole/ all things considered
ogólnie rzecz biorąc
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nie ma zgody... ale moim zdaniem
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there is no agreement..., but in my opinion
po namyśle
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on balance
podejrzewam, że
inizia ad imparare
I suppose (that)
inizia ad imparare
according to
powiedziałbym/ sugerowałbym, że/żeby
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I would say / suggest that
nie trzeba dodawać, że
inizia ad imparare
needless to say
inizia ad imparare
to wrap up
biorąc wszystko pod uwagę
inizia ad imparare
taking everything into consideration

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