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Domanda American English Risposta American English
I've been trying to learn a new language ........ (od jakiegoś już czasu), but progress has been slow.
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I've been trying to learn a new language for some time now, but progress has been slow.
The grocery store is conveniently located ........ (w odległości spaceru) from my apartment, so I never have to worry about driving to get groceries.
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The grocery store is conveniently located within walking distance from my apartment, so I never have to worry about driving to get groceries.
I've been working nonstop for hours; ........ (daj mi spokój) so I can recharge and regain my energy.
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I've been working nonstop for hours; give me a break so I can recharge and regain my energy.
The party starts at 8 PM, so make sure to ........ (pojawić się na czas) to catch all the fun and festivities.
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The party starts at 8 PM, so make sure to show up on time to catch all the fun and festivities.
I've been dreaming of winning the lottery, but deep down, I know ........ (to się nie wydarzy)
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I've been dreaming of winning the lottery, but deep down, I know it's not gonna happen.
I'd love to join you on that trip, but ........ (jestem spłukany) right now and can't afford the expenses.
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I'd love to join you on that trip, but I'm broke right now and can't afford the expenses.
Paris ........(jest znany z tego że jest) the city of love and romance, with its beautiful architecture and charming streets.
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Paris is known to be the city of love and romance, with its beautiful architecture and charming streets.
........ (wydaje mi się) that the key to a successful relationship lies in open and honest communication.
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It seems to me that the key to a successful relationship lies in open and honest communication.
Despite the challenges we're facing, ........ (popatrzmy na pozytywna stronę) and appreciate the valuable lessons we can learn from this experience.
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Despite the challenges we're facing, let's look at the bright side and appreciate the valuable lessons we can learn from this experience.
Summer is here, so ........ (ciesz się póki możesz), soaking up the sun and diving into refreshing waters before the season fades away.
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Summer is here, so enjoy while you can, soaking up the sun and diving into refreshing waters before the season fades away.
The car refused to start this morning, ........ (z jakiegoś powodu), even though it was perfectly fine yesterday.
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The car refused to start this morning, for some reason, even though it was perfectly fine yesterday.
........ (ogólnie rzecz biorac), exercise is known to have numerous health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, increased muscle strength, and enhanced mental well-being.
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Generally speaking, exercise is known to have numerous health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, increased muscle strength, and enhanced mental well-being.
The movie I just watched was incredible, and nothing can ........ (zmienić moje zdanie) about how much I enjoyed it.
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The movie I just watched was incredible, and nothing can change my mind about how much I enjoyed it.
As the deadline approached, I realized I would ........ (zabraknie mi czasu) to complete the project and had to prioritize the most critical tasks.
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As the deadline approached, I realized I would run out of time to complete the project and had to prioritize the most critical tasks.
........ (pod względem) productivity, creating a structured schedule and prioritizing tasks can greatly enhance efficiency and output.
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In terms of productivity, creating a structured schedule and prioritizing tasks can greatly enhance efficiency and output.
........ (jeśli chodzi o) cooking, I prefer to experiment with different flavors and spices to create unique and delicious dishes.
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When it comes to cooking, I prefer to experiment with different flavors and spices to create unique and delicious dishes.
If you need extra time to complete the project, let me know, and ........ (jak najbardziej), I'll grant you an extension.
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If you need extra time to complete the project, let me know, and by all means, I'll grant you an extension.
(Tak czy inaczej), we’ll find a solution that works for everyone.
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Either way, we’ll find a solution that works for everyone.
Decorating apartments (nie jest moja mocna strona)
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Decorating apartments is not my forte.
If you want to try all 31 flavors at the ice cream shop, (śmiało)!
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If you want to try all 31 flavors at the ice cream shop, knock yourself out!

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