z książki 3 Direct english

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Domanda Risposta
gruby, gęsty
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thick, thick
thick fog, thick book
trasnął drzwiami
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slammed the door
She didn't shut the door quietly but slammed it.
czy jesteś księgowym?
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an accountant
If you were an accountant, would you be able to add up numbers quickly?
Are you an accountant?
niepokoić, przedszkadzać
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to disturb
They were busy so we didn't disturb them.
ból gardła
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a sore throat
You get a sore throat when you speak too much.
stać się, zostać
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to become
Do you think you'll become a millionaire?
szybko reagować
czy nauczyciel reaguje szybko gdy uczeń nie wie jak odpowiedzieć?
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react quickly
Would the teacher react quickly if the student didn't know how to answer?
zarobki, zapłata
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wages, earnings, payment
People quit a job becouse the wage is too low.
trudny klient
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difficult customer
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plenty of
Most businesses want to attract plenty of customers becouse it helps them to earn a lot of money.
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Do films with big stars attract a lot of people to the cinema?
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a cough
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w czasie / podczas
podczas tygodnia
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during the week
mam zamiar...
mam zamiar rzucić pracę
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I'm going to...
I'm going to quit my job.

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