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Dzieci ida za swoimi rodzicami
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Children are walking behind their parents
Próbowałem z nią porozmawiać
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I've been trying to talk to her
co ty mówisz
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what are you saying
co on mówi
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what is he saying
Jadę następnym autobusem
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I am taking the next bus
ona zawsze o nim myśli
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she's always thinking about him
zapłacono za posiłek, w tym wino
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the meal was paid for, including the wine
robi się późno
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it's getting late
Wysiadam na następnej stacji
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I'm getting off at the next station
co rano wychodzi na spacer z psem
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she goes for a walk with his dog every morning
graliśmy razem w siatkówkę i koszykówkę
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we played together volleyball and basketball
trenerem jest jej ojciec
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the coach is her father

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