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rozmówić się z kimś
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have it out with sb
natknąć się na coś
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come upon something
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These measures are designed to deter an enemy attack. High prices are deterring many young people from buying houses.
stanąć przeciwko komuś
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go up against somebody
mieszać, wzburzać, skłócać
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pokiereszować, poturbować
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an attack by an animal causing serious injury
increased incidences of grizzly bear maulings
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ohyda, fuj! / żart
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poty / dresy
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przygotowywać się na coś (trudnego)
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to gird oneself for something
We girded ourselves for the fray (= prepared for action or trouble). Europe's finest golfers are girding their loins for the challenge of the Ryder Cup.
załatwić kilka spraw
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to run a few errands
naprzód i w górę / odnosić coraz wiekszy sukces
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onward and upward
Her publishing career started as an editorial assistant on a women's magazine and it was onward and upward from there.
fajnie, klawo, rewelacyjnie (potocznie)
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In fact, it's hunky dory: everything goes up.
biba (duza impreza świętująca coś)
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the glitziest of election night shindigs
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nieszczęśliwy wypadek
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we've had a few adventures and misadventures
złożyć ponownie
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przesadzić (z czymś)
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to over-egg the pudding
w footballu, desperacka próba zdobycia punktow, tuż przed końcem czasu
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throw a hail Mary
last ditch, long shot effort
zwabić kogoś (2 odp.)
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to lure somebody in / to entice
na czele, przodujący
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forefront of
Their company is at/in the forefront of research in this area.
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to stay ahead of
Stay ahead of me on the road so I'll know when to turn. The driver managed to stay ahead of all the other cars during the race.
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to fight off
I was trying to fight off the urge to sneak into the kitchen for something to eat. Her body couldn’t fight the infection off.
jest więcej informacji, które można uzyskać o tym
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there is more info to be had on it
nie dochodzimy do sedna
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we are not getting to the nitty-gritty
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he amassed a fortune estimated at close to a million pounds
zbieractwo / billboard / płot
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the act of collecting large amounts of something and keeping it for yourself, often in a secret place: The food shortages have been exacerbated by hoarding.
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robić zapasy
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stock up
przede wszystkim
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first and foremost
to się nie trzyma kupy
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it doesn't add up
rozwiązać problem
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tackle a problem

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