Wygląd zewnętrzny

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Domanda Risposta
to grow older
You can see how the growing older look like on photo
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starzeć się
to have a haircut
You need to have a haircut, now!
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ostrzyc się
to judge by appearances
Most of people judge by appearances
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osądzać po wyglądzie
to look like sb/sth
He looks like you
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wyglądać jak...
to put on make up
This is what many girls/women do
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malować się
to put on weight
Stop with these candies, you all the time put on weight
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to take after smb
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być podobnym do kogoś np. matki/ojca
to take care of oneself
I always take care of my sisters
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dbać o siebie
She look like very unattractive
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a waist
Her waist is too broad
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wavy hair
Wavy hair are sexy
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falowane włosy
Be well-built means be healthy
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dobrze zbudowany
a wig
She need to wear a wig, because she is bald
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a wrinkle
Women afraid of most wrinkles or spots
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as like as two peas in a pod
The twins are as like as two peas
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podobni jak dwie krople wody(jak dwa groszki)
as thin as a rake
She is as thin as a rake
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chudy jak patyk (dosł, jak grabie)
a bun
She has a nice red bun
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Her dimple are nice but her mole no
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dołek na policzku
a mole
I dont like her mole
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not to look oneself
She didnt sleep well yesterday, she does not look herself
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wyglądać nieswojo
sparkling eyes
Her eyes are sparkling, it look like amazing
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błyszczące oczy
a spitting image of SB
a spitting image of sb
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wyglądać dokładnie jak ktoś
The newborn are toothless I heard so at least
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siwiejący, szpakowaty
a wry smile
You had a wry smile, when he told us a joke
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krzywy uśmiech

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